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Getting Started with G1 Premium
How does the Pass Guarantee work?
How does the Pass Guarantee work?

Learn how Pass Guarantee protects you if you purchase the Premium membership and take all practice tests, but still fail at the DriveTest.

Andrei Zakhareuski avatar
Written by Andrei Zakhareuski
Updated over a week ago

Our Premium Membership for 30 days plus accounts comes with a Pass Guarantee. If you properly use the study materials on (namely, pass all the practice tests), we promise you a passing grade on your official G1 written knowledge test or we'll refund your money. 

Important: Please note that it's not an unconditional money back guarantee, but a Pass Guarantee. This means that it's only applicable if you fail your test at the DriveTest location after passing all our practice tests. 

Terms and Conditions

  • You must have passed all the practice tests for your type of vehicle on as a Premium user at least once and not earlier than 30 days before your exam date.

  • You must send us a copy of your failed knowledge test results.

  • You must be the primary account holder. Additional family members that got their free accounts as part of the Family Sharing packages are not covered by the Pass Guarantee and not eligible for any kind of refund.

  • To claim
    Just send us an email with your full name (must match the name and email address
    used for your purchase at and the shot of your official result.

What happens next
We'll check your account to make sure you've successfully completed all practice tests. Once that is confirmed, we'll issue a full refund (you'll receive a separate email confirmation).

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