Your National Client Identifier (NCI) is needed in order to open a Gather Being investment account. For UK citizens this is your National Insurance number. For non-UK nationals, refer to the table below to find out what your NCI is.
Country | NCI | Country | NCI |
Belgium | Belgian National Number (Numero de registre national – Rijksregisternummer) | Liechtenstein | National Passport Number |
Bulgaria | Unified Civil Number (Единен граждански номер, ЕГН / Edinen grazhdanski nomer, EGN) | Lithuania | Personal Code (Asmens Kodas) |
Croatia | Personal Identification Number (Osobni identifikacijski broj or OIB) | Malta | National Identification Number |
Cyprus | National Passport Number | Netherlands | Citizen Service Number (Burgerservicenummer (BSN)) |
Czech Republic | Birth Number (Czech/Slovak: rodné číslo (RČ)) | Norway | Birth Number (Fødselsnummer) |
Denmark | Personal Identification Number (Da. personnummer[39] / CPR) | Poland | Personal Number (PESEL) |
Estonia | Personal Identification Code (Estonian: isikukood (IK)) | Portugal | Tax Identification Number (Número de identificação fiscal (NIF)) |
Finland | Personal Identity Code (henkilötunnus (HETU))
| Romania | Personal Numerical Code (Cod Numeric Personal (CNP)) |
Greece | 10 DSS digit investor share code | Slovakia | Birth Number (Slovak: rodné číslo (RČ))
Iceland | identification Number (Kennitala (kt.)) | Slovenia | Personal Identification Number (Enotna matična številka občana (EMŠO)) |
Italy | Fiscal Code (Codice Fiscale) | Spain | National Identity Number (Documento Nacional de Identidad (DNI)) |
Latvia | Personal Code (Personas Kods) | Sweden | Personal Identity Number (Swedish: personnummer) |
For all other nationalities, you will need to provide your National Passport Number.