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Create Tournament
Mostafa Helal avatar
Written by Mostafa Helal
Updated over a week ago
  1. You can choose the game you want from here.

  2. Choose the platform that you want.

  3. Write the tournament name.

  4. You can choose between your profile or arenas.
    *If you don't have an arena you can check this article to learn how to create an arena.

  5. Choose the country.
    * Your choice of the tournament country will not affect the appearance of the tournament for a specific country, but only the flag of the country will be added next to the name of the tournament.

  6. Set the tournament date and time according to your local time.
    *Each user in the website will see date and time with their local time

  7. Choose between solo or teams.
    * In the event of selecting teams, you must specify the number of team members in addition to the number of substitute players, if any

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