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September 16
Aladdin avatar
Written by Aladdin
Updated over 2 months ago


The latest release includes several improvements across Purchase Order, Inventory, and Onboarding functionalities. Users can now customize .CSV exports, push Shopify inventory levels, and view the "Covered Until" date within Purchase Orders. For Inventory, the ability to include or exclude products from the inventory page has been added. Onboarding has been enhanced with updates to the default selection for bundle predictions. Additionally, performance improvements have been made to speed up the Purchase Order listing page loading times.

Purchase order

- Add tutorial button to PO listing page
- Re-wording "Save" buttons to "Apply" in all slide-overs
- Edit PO slide-overs
- Manage Shipment slide-overs
- Add product slide-over now has variant images
- Edit PO Products table max with increase


- User timezone based report generation


- Inventory value card arrows replaced with + / -


- Proper error reporting to Sentry for non-API executions

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