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February 24th

Release notes for February Q1 2025

Aladdin avatar
Written by Aladdin
Updated over a week ago


This release focuses on refining shipment processes, streamlining product details, and enhancing the Buy Now experience, while also introducing targeted improvements in product profiles, supplier mapping, and overall system efficiency. Key updates include omitting deleted purchase orders from shipments, cleaning up product descriptions, and adding new navigational and functional enhancements to the Buy Now section.

- Omit deleted POs

New Products
- Remove descriptive copies

Buy Now
- Add tabs: To Order, In PO, Ignored
- Tutorial modal
- Add ignore functionality

Product Profile
- Variants tab filter

- Supplier mapping modal changes

- Sync daily sales improvements: refunds, returns, etc.
- Aggregated one alert email for all stale POs in Draft
- Only create default saved views once per team

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