Login and Log Out
Anas avatar
Written by Anas
Updated over a week ago

When the GeniusVoucher android application is opened on the terminal device, the first interface that the device shows is the Login Interface. To log into their account, the user should tap their card onto the NFC reader section of the terminal. The system then scans the card, and then displays the PIN code entry interface. The user enters their PIN code, and if it was correct, the system takes them to the Welcome Interface. If the login is being made for the first time, the terminal device asks the user to set their PIN code and confirm it by entering it one more time. A vendor cannot log into their account unless their card was activated by a registration user first.

A screenshot of the Login Screen that the Android application displays when the GeniusVoucher application is opened.

After the user (or the vendor) completes the login operation, the terminal device shows the welcome page, containing the current date and time, and the full name of the user. This interface is shown to confirm that the user has successfully logged into their account. To log out, the user should tap on the More button, and then from the drop-down menu, tap on Log Out.

A screenshot of the Welcome Screen that the system displays to the Field Officer after logging in.

A screenshot of the Welcome Screen that the system displays to the Vendor after logging in

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