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Written by Anas
Updated over a week ago

Welcome to the GeniusVoucher User Manual!

The user manual contains all you need to know on how to use the GeniusVoucher platform. The information contained in the user manual will help the user learn and understand the following:

  • What the GeniusVoucher system is used for.

  • The basic concepts that the user needs to understand to be able to use the system.

  • The features and functions of the GeniusVoucher system; the user manual contains step-by-step instructions with screenshots[1] on how to use them.

  • The data fields stored in the system and what they mean.

The manual consists of three parts: Getting Started, Web Portal, and Terminal Device.

The Getting Started part explains the basic concepts and uses of the system and also gives an overview of the system features.

The Web Portal part contains a detailed reference for the features and functions that the GeniusVoucher system offers on the web portal.

The Terminal Device part contains detailed instructions on the features and functionalities that the system offers on the terminal device.

The parts Web Portal and Terminal Device in the user manual are written with the assumption that the user is familiar with voucher-based projects. So, if you are a user who has never worked on voucher-based projects and don’t know what they are, it is recommended that you read the Getting Started section before any other section to understand voucher-based projects, and the benefits of the GeniusVoucher platform.

[1] Note: The data shown in the screenshots of the system in this manual are for test and experimental purposes, and are not data of actual projects belonging to any of GeniusTags clients.

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