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Creating Tasks Linked to an Incident Report (Manager Dashboard)
Creating Tasks Linked to an Incident Report (Manager Dashboard)
Matt Doiron avatar
Written by Matt Doiron
Updated over a year ago

Creating Tasks Linked to an Incident Report (Manager Dashboard)

There may be times when additional tasks relating to an incident report are required – such as completing accident investigation reports, patient follow up or attaching photos. With the Tasks module you can create these ‘to-do’s’ directly within the incident report so they are linked to that specific incident.

Tasks linked to an incident report can be created on both the manager dashboard and the app that frontline staff use. Right now we’ll go through the steps on how to create these tasks using the manager dashboard.

1. From a desktop computer, login to the manager dashboard at

2. From the side navigation select Incident Reports > View All Incidents.

3. Find the incident report you want to add a task to and then click the View or Review button to open that incident report.

4. At the top of the incident report you will see a section called ‘Tasks’. Select the Add New Task button.

5. An empty tasks form will appear with most of the same fields as the task template (see next page for screenshot). Complete the form and when you are done select the green Save button located in the top-right hand corner. You will then be routed back to the incident report where the new task you added is now visible in the Tasks table.

o Since this is a one-time task, the Due Date field replaces the Current Date and Add Days fields that were available for tasks that are part of a task template.

o Mandatory fields are Task and Action.

o Once the task is created it will be assigned a default status of ‘Outstanding’.

6. Similar to task templates, you can perform various actions for the task:

o View > opens a read-only version of the task.

o Edit > allows you to modify the task, including the ability to change the status from ‘Outstanding’ to ‘Completed’, adding the name of the person who completed the task and any corresponding notes.
o Delete > This will remove the task.

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