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Virtual Training Sessions

Get 1-1 help from our customer success team with a training session

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Written by Product Team
Updated over a week ago

If you'd like to go into a little more depth in GeoOp our customer success team can assist you with Virtual training.

Our training team is dedicated to supporting you during your on-boarding process and are here to guide you through everything you need to know to get started on GeoOp.

Book a training session by emailing us at

We are glad to offer the following training sessions:


What's covered?

GeoOp account set up (~1 hour)

  • Login

  • Creating Staff

    • Staff roles and permissions

    • Workgroups

  • Integrations

  • Creating Clients

  • Creating Parts

  • Creating Labour Charges

  • Setting up Job Statuses

  • Setting up Job Share

  • Customise Document Templates

GeoOp console training (~1 .5hours)

  • Managing Jobs (end to end process)

    • Creating Jobs

    • Editing Jobs

    • Adding Bookings

    • Adding Parts and Labour

    • Adding Notes

    • Adding Payments

    • Generating Invoices

    • Job Statuses

    • Sending Emails/SMS

  • Creating Documents

  • Scheduling

  • GeoMap

  • Job Templates & Recurrences

  • Job Share

GeoOp mobile app training (~1 hour)

  • Schedule page and filters

  • Jobs list and filters

  • Managing Jobs (end to end process)

    • Creating Jobs

    • Editing Jobs

    • Adding Parts and Labour

    • Adding Notes

    • Adding Payments

    • Job Timers

    • Generating Invoices

    • Job Statuses

    • Sending Emails/SMS

  • Mobile App settings

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