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General FAQs

Some of the most common questions we get asked.

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Written by Product Team
Updated over a week ago

This article covers our most common FAQs in relation to:

Accessing GeoOp

How do I access GeoOp?

GeoOp is an online product. You don't need to worry about setting up servers or software, just download our mobile apps or login via the web and start using it today.

Can I use GeoOp in any country?

GeoOp will work in any country where the Internet, smartphones/tablets and Google Maps coexist.

What do I need to run GeoOp?

GeoOp can be used on any of the following:

  • Internet Explorer 10 & 11, Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera

  • Android devices running Android 4.0 or higher

  • iPhone and iPad running iOS7, iOS8 and iOS9

  • Windows devices running Windows 8

  • Microsoft Edge

We strongly suggest that you switch to either of the two most popular browsers; Firefox or Chrome. These browsers can be downloaded and used for free.

Can I still sign up if my details were on an old account?

Yes, If your Email was already registered with an older account, please contact support who will be happy to assist you.

If your phone number is already registered, try using a different number if you have one, or enter a random string of numbers, which you can then update at a later time.

GeoOp Pricing

How much does GeoOp cost?

GeoOp offers simple pricing with no surprises. It’s very straightforward and based on the number of active users your business will have. If you'd like to know more about pricing then please reach out to our support team at

What’s a license?

One GeoOp license gives you one unique login with full access to use GeoOp as you wish. You can allocate your licenses to manage your staff, trucks, equipment or anything you like.

How do you charge?

We charge you a fixed monthly fee based on the plan you have selected. There are no ‘per Job’ costs, storage fees or other monthly charges. Use GeoOp as much as you want and don't worry about any surprise bills.

Do your prices include tax?

Our prices exclude tax for all countries, apart from New Zealand (which is set to 15%).

What currency is GeoOp billed in?

We bill in USD, AUD, NZD, EUR or GBP depending on your region. Outside of these regions, the default billing currency is USD.

How do I make a payment?

Secure payments are made by credit card on a monthly basis and we accept both Visa and Mastercard.

Why have I been charged $1 on my credit card?

To ensure your secure credit card details are correct, a $1 charge will be made to you when adding or updating a credit card. This is purely for verification purposes and the $1 charge is immediately refunded to you.

Do you provide pricing deals for large accounts?

Sure do, simply contact us to discuss your needs.

Do I need to sign a contract when I sign up?

You are not tied into a contract with GeoOp. You can simply stop using and stop paying.

How do I switch to the new Licence Pricing from an older plan type?

This process is nice and simple. On your Subscriptions Page (under Settings) is a button to view the new Licence Pricing. You can then choose to switch to a Licence Plan if you wish to.

It is important to note that if you choose to switch to a Licence Plan, you will not be able to return to your older plan type. The pricing switch is irreversible.

How do I upgrade or downgrade my plan?

You can easily upgrade or downgrade your plan from your Subscriptions Page (under Settings) by simply selecting a new Licence plan, and then confirming your plan change.

You will need to ensure your number of active Licences is equal to or below the Licence Limit on the new plan you have selected.

Your next monthly payment will reflect your new plan price. If you have upgraded your plan you will also be charged a catch-up payment for the time until your next monthly payment is due.

How do I manage my Licences?

Your active Licence number is the number of users you have added to GeoOp that are marked as Active (under Staff). You can have as many active users as your chosen plan allows, for example, a 15 Licence plan allows you to have 15 users Active at any one time.

If you wish to make a user Inactive you can do this by clicking on the Active button on the Staff List screen. Making a user Inactive will reduce your number of Active users, and the Inactive user will not be able to log in from either the web version or a mobile application. You can change a Staff member back to Active simply by clicking on the Inactive button.

Your Staff List will clearly show you which users are currently Active or Inactive.

Staff Access

What can my Staff access?

All users on a Licence Plan have access to both the web version and the mobile applications.

You will need to set your staff up with a Staff Login (under Staff Details) for them to be able to log in to either the web version or mobile application.

How do I block access to a Staff member completely?

You can completely block a Staff member from accessing GeoOp by making them Inactive.

You can do this by clicking on the Active button on the Staff List screen, this will switch the user to being Inactive. The Inactive user will not be able to log in from either the web version or a mobile application. You can change a Staff member back to Active simply by clicking on the Inactive button.

Your Staff List will clearly show you which users are currently Active or Inactive.

Can I limit what an employee can do in GeoOp?

Absolutely. You can set up Staff Role permissions in GeoOp (under Settings) for each type of user you have in your business. You can restrict a user to manage only their own Jobs, to allowing them full Administration access.

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