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Setting up your Account
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Written by Product Team
Updated over a week ago

This article covers off the following Account Customisation topics:

Updating Company Details

You can update your company details by going to the Settings Cog in the navigation bar and selecting 'Company Information' in the side menu. Here you will be able to update the following:

  • Company Name and contact details. These are used for the documents you generate and we use them to communicate with you, so we recommend keeping them up to date with the most appropriate details.

  • Company Mobile. Automatically include it on all your documents. You can also choose to indicate to your SMS recipients to reply on that number. To learn how to do this option, click here.

  • Company Email. If you set up an email address here, this will be your company 'reply to' email address. Meaning anytime you send an email from within GeoOp, if the customer replies, this is the email address those replies will come to.

  • The 'Access GeoOp with' link can be given to any staff or contractors to login into GeoOp

Adding a Company Logo

Also in the settings menu you will be able to update your logo. This will be used for all company documentation such as quote PDFs.

Supported file types: JPEG or PNG

Tip: Make sure you scroll to the bottom of the details page and click 'save' - only then will the logo appear.

Configuring your Timezone

Timezone settings are managed in the following ways:

  • The timezone setting here is your account timezone. This will provide a consistent for document generation & any other server tasks related to your account

  • Visible times on things like Jobs & Job Visits will display according to the timezone setting on your PC. This means you can choose to display times in your business timezone, or in the local timezone should this be more convenient (without changing the default on the account setting)

  • Mobile app users will always see visible times appropriate to the timezone they login to the mobile app in

Limitations: Only one timezone can be set per account. This may impact jobs scheduled in other timezones

Note: If there is a variance between your timezone account setting & your PC setting,


If you regularly work and travel out of your time zone, you may want to know that GeoOp will work normally no matter where you are. That means you can schedule Visits without having to calculate differences in time, and attend Jobs without trying to figure out what time locally it's Scheduled for, because GeoOp uses the computer or device's location to determine what times it displays.

Here are some examples of what you can and can't do:

  • There is a Visit scheduled for one of your workers that finishes 9:00 am, who you need to call after the Job is completed. You are in a time zone that is 2 hours ahead, so when you log in, you will see that the Visit finishes 11:00 am local time. So you know that you can call after 11:00am to check on the progress of that Job

  • Uploading a Note/File or adding a Time/Part: Actions such as this will still use the time zone set in your account (Settings cog > Company Information > Timezone)

  • Viewing a Job when when you're in another timezone: If the Visit for that Job was scheduled for 4:00pm, and you're in a time zone that's 2 hours ahead, then the Visit will show as being scheduled for 6:00pm local time

Just remember that anything that requires an item or file to be added will show as being added at the current time in the time zone you have set in your account. However viewing the times of any Visits will show it according to the time zone your computer or device is in.

Set up your mobile to receive responses

As you and your team are sending SMS via GeoOp, you may want to indicate to the recipients what is the best way for them to reply. First you need to decide if you want all the replies to be sent to your Company Mobile, or to the Mobile of the staff who sent the original message.

  1. Option 1: Set up your Company Mobile to receive all replies. If you chose that option, "Reply to [Your Company Mobile]" will be included at the end of all your SMS, allowing you to receive all response messages. To set it up, simply head to Settings > Company Information (only available to account administrator) and tick the "Ask recipient to reply to that number" checkbox under the Company Mobile field. Don't forget to press Save.

  2. Option 2: Each staff sets its own Mobile to receive all replies. If you chose that option, "Reply to [Staff Mobile]" will be included at the end of all SMS sent by each staff, allowing each of them to receive response messages on their number. To set it up, simply head My Profile and tick the "Ask recipient to reply to that number" checkbox under the Mobile field. Don't forget to press Save.

Set up your Company Mobile

Users to set their own Mobile

Managing Tax Rates

You can manage your tax rates by going to Invoices in the navigation bar. From here click on the 3 dots in the top right of the screen > settings.

For all accounts (except Xero Integrated accounts)

  1. To add tax rates manually click the Add Rate button for each entry. Define the name and tax percentage (%), then Save each rate.

  2. Set your default tax rates for your Labour Charges and your Parts

  3. Check on/off if your pricing is Tax Inclusive or not

For Xero Integrated accounts

If you have performed an Integration with Xero, your tax rates (Chart of Accounts) will be imported as part of the process and viewable on this page. See Integrations for further details. When integrated with Xero you must define the defaults for the following 3 areas:

  • Charges Code is used on Staff Labour Rates.

  • Parts Code is assigned to Inventory lists. See Managing Parts in GeoOp for further details.

  • Payments Code is assigned to payments received that are logged against a Job (typically by a mobile Staff member on site). See Payments for further details

Job Status Customisation

GeoOp Job Statuses are customisable tags that come in four colours providing real-time visibility as to what stage a Job is at. Once customised to your company's workflow, you have complete visibility over what Jobs need work done, are waiting on parts or need to be invoiced (as an example).

Customising Job Status tags

You will need to have Admin access and perform this task on the Desktop. From the Jobs List, click on the three dots in the top right of the screen and select settings.

To re-title the existing options, simply type over the text in each Status as required. To create a new Status, click the + icons next to the coloured Status labels.
To delete a Status record, click the - icon next to the Status text.

You can create as many as you like under the four colour tags.

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