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Managing your Parts Charges
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Written by Product Team
Updated over a week ago

Parts are your inventory items, the physical things you will charge a client for. This article covers the following:

Note: It is very important to note that if you are integrated with any of the accounting softwares provided by GeoOp you will not be able to manually change your parts and charges in GeoOp. Your inventory should be managed in the account software and simply synced with GeoOp to update any changes. To Sync simple go to Settings > Parts > '+ Sync Parts'

Manually added parts

Navigate to Settings > Parts. Here you will find a list of all of your parts. These parts can then be added to your Jobs which will include Item Code, Description, Purchase Price, Purchase Code, Sale Price, Sale Code, Profit and Margin.

Add New Parts

Click ‘Add Parts’ to create a new part record. Complete the fields required, as below:

  • Item Code: A relevant and unique code to help quickly identify the part, or merely a numerical reference if preferred.

  • Description: The name of the Part, and any other required identifying info.

  • Purchase Price: The cost to you of the Part.

  • Purchase Code: The accounting code for the Part purchase, if used.

  • Sale Price: The sale price to the client of the Part.

  • Sale Code: The accounting code for the Part sale, if used.

You can also adjust Profit and Margin fields to automatically calculate required Sale Price value.

Note: GeoOp will allow you to import a CSV (Comma Separated Values) Parts list. Navigate to

Edit Existing Parts

To edit existing parts click on the Edit toggle as shown below. You will then be able to update all of your parts on screen.

Note: Updating parts will not update the details of existing parts added to jobs. It will only update that part as it is added in the future

Xero Integrated Parts

The import of Parts from Xero will be done as part of your integration set up. See Integrating GeoOp with Xero for more details. When integrated, GeoOp will 'mirror' your Xero Parts item.

  • You can create one off Parts in GeoOp for use on a job, but these won't be permanently saved to your Parts list.

  • Adding new Parts, and editing or deleting existing ones must be done in Xero, and then synced with GeoOp using the 'Sync Parts' button on the Parts page.

  • We recommend that Xero users try and put as much data as possible in for their Xero inventory items to enable GeoOp to provide accurate job costing and job margin functions.

When synced with Xero, or Unleashed, you can bring in new Parts and update existing ones by pressing the Sync Parts button:

Unleashed Integrated Parts

The import of Parts from Unleashed will be done as parts of your integration set up. See Integrating GeoOp with Unleashed for more details.

GeoOp will import and display what is called a smart list. A smart list is the items in Unleashed that are in stock, often used or recently purchased. Typically a business might have over 30,000 Parts in Unleashed but only 1,500 in GeoOp as only 1,500 Parts are actually used frequently.

This Parts list is cached onto mobile devices for rapid access. When a Part is needed that is not on the smart list, then at the bottom of your search will be the words 'Continue Search on Server'. This is displayed both on GeoOp online and the GeoOp mobile applications. Pressing this button will search the full Parts list on your Unleashed account and then within a few seconds it will return matches based on your original search query.

  • You can create one off Parts in GeoOp for use on a job, but these won't be permanently saved to your Parts list.

  • Adding new Parts, and editing or deleting existing ones must be done in your integrated software and then synced with GeoOp using the 'Sync Parts' button on the Parts page.

When synced with Xero or Unleashed, you can bring in new Parts and update existing ones by pressing the Sync Parts button:

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