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Form Templates
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Written by Product Team
Updated over a week ago

This article covers to the following about Form Templates in GeoOp:


GeoOp forms can be used for the following:

  • Making sure everything on a job gets done

  • Easily sharing instructions on how to do things with team members

  • Saving training time by having clear documentation, instructions and checklists

  • Nail down those compliance loose ends with safety forms, job forms, and SWMS

  • Helping you, as the business owner feel confident that the jobs are being done to the standard you expect

  • Helping you grow your business by taking all the detail out of your head, and storing them in GeoOp

Creating Form Templates

To set up a form template, you will need to be using the browser version of GeoOp. Head over to Settings, and you will see the new Form Templates option in the navigation menu. Click it, and then click “New Form”

Give your form template a name, and start adding items. There are several item types to choose from and we will continue to add to these to make Forms more useful all the time. These items provide you the flexibility to add sections in your form that are free-text, checkboxes, signatures or more.

Form item types

Headings & Text - a basic text entry. Add some text as a description of the item and your field staff can add text as a response

Example - The heading of the form or a section of the form, to give the staff context for what they are filling out

Checkbox - a basic checkbox item type. Enter some text as the item description, and when someone wants to mark it complete, they simply tap the box

Example - a basic checklist consisting of checkbox items with text for each item

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Photo - This item type requires the field worker to take a photo. Use the text to explain what the photo should contain.

Example - a before and after photo, by using two “image” items

Long Answer - This item type gives the user an area to type a response to a question or type in notes as required

For example - allowing a “notes” section at the bottom of the form for any additional details they want to fill in

Signature - This item type requires a signature to complete. This could be either the fieldworker, staff member, contractor or customer. The signature can be either typed or drawn on a mobile phone screen

For example - the requirement to have the customer sign off that a job is complete

Form layout types

Company Logo - You can add your company logo to the form

Company Details - Add the details for your company on the form, this text block automatically includes company name, company address, city, postcode and state

Job Details - Add the details of the job on the form, this text block automatically includes job title, job reference, job address, job city, postcode and state

Client Details - Add the details of the client on the form, this text block automatically includes client company name, client name (first and last), client address, city, postcode and state

Line Break - Inserting a line break will move any text below the break onto the next line, regardless of the screen the user is looking at the form on

Page Break - Inserting a page break into your form will push everything below the page break line onto a new page. This can be useful for adding different sections to the forms you create or for printing

Additional form settings

Mandatory items

You will notice that when you hover over an item in your form there is a warning sign to mark the field as required. This will ensure that the user filling out the form must complete that item before submitting the form

Auto attach form

Once you save a template, you will see a setting called “auto attach to all new jobs”. This options allows you to automatically attach a copy of this form to all new jobs you create in the future. Previously created jobs will not be affected.

Editing an existing template

To edit an existing template you can do this by going to settings, selecting forms templates and selecting the form you want to edit. From here you can edit the form the same way in which you created it.

View a preview of your Form

Once you have finished creating your form you can view a preview of what it will look like for a specific job either on browser or mobile. Simply select a job to preview the template from the drop down and the select preview.

Adding Forms to Jobs

Adding a form on browser

Forms can be attached to jobs so that every time a team member goes on-site, a fresh Form is available. To add a Form to an existing job, find the job you wish to add a form too, select “add to job” and select “Add Form”. This will bring up a list of all of your form templates and you can add one or more forms to your job.

Once added, you can find all forms under the forms tab. You can add as many copies of the same form as you like.

Adding a form on mobile

Simply go to the job you want to add a form to and click the + button in the navigation bar. From here you will be given a list of forms to choose from.

Filling in, Submitting and Downloading forms

Forms can be filled in and marked complete on both the mobile and browser version of GeoOp.

Filling a form on browser

Open the job the forms are attached to, select the FORMS tab, click on the form name to view the form. From here you can fill out the form in browser, including ticking any checkboxes, uploading photos, collecting a signature and filling in any long answer sections.

You also have the option at this point to edit, download and delete the form, by clicking on the “More” button. When you complete the form, you will be able to see the status of the form change to “completed” on the forms tab.

Filling a form on mobile

In the GeoOp mobile app, you can add existing Form templates to jobs, view, fill in, or complete a form. To do this, you need to visit the job/ booking that the Form is attached to.

Tapping on any form will allow you to interact with that form. Tap checkboxes to mark them complete, tap multiple-choice items and text items to complete them and tap the + button on signature and image items to add to them.

At the bottom of the form, provided all mandatory items are complete, you can tap “Submit Form” to mark the entire form as complete

Once submitted, you can update it by clicking on “Form Completed” at the bottom of the form. It will re-open the form and you can save your changes by clicking on “Submit Form” again.

Tapping the small menu icon at the top right of the form will allow you to:

  • Delete the form - remove it and its contents from the booking

  • Download as PDF - this will create a PDF of the form and save it to your phones “Downloads” folder

Note: You cannot create new Form templates in the mobile app.

Android view

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