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Job Creation via Website Forms & Emails
Job Creation via Website Forms & Emails
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Written by Product Team
Updated over a week ago

Aside from creating Jobs manually in GeoOp we offer a few other options to get your jobs created and ready for scheduling.

This article contains the following:

Job Creation via Website Form

Important Note: Installing the Job Request form will need to be managed by someone with a reasonable technical understanding of web development, for example a web designer. If you have no access to a person qualified to do this, GeoOp cannot provide the service for you.

How it works

  • Once installed on your website, visitors to your site can complete the required fields and click submit.

  • They have the option of selecting two different Request Types: Job Request and Quote Request. This selection will then display in your Job Title field on the new Job in GeoOp.

  • Once submitted, they will be shown the acknowledgement message as you have defined.

  • The new Job will now show in your Job List, and on the Scheduler. To easily identify new requests, you simply have to search for the word 'request' in the search field. In the Scheduler screen, these Jobs will be further apparent by being unassigned.

  • Further options for easy identification of these Jobs are being considered as part of a future development for automated notifications.

  • The Job will either be created with a new Client record, or will automatically attach to an existing Client, as described below.

How it looks

Your developer will be able to adjust the styling of the form to suit your overall website's design. Once done and published, the form will be visible including all the required fields.

When a website's visitor will fill and submit that form, a job will automatically be created in your GeoOp account waiting for you to action on it.

This is just an illustration of a GeoOp Job Form embedded on a website.

Client matching

Single email match
If the Job Request is provided with an email that matches a single existing GeoOp Client, it will create the Job for that Client.

No contact details will change on the Client itself (e.g. address, phone, name) if provided differently on the Job Request form. However, the address will be used on the Job itself, exactly as provided.

Multiple email matches
Though it is common each Client would have a different email address, if the Job request matches to more than one email address on your Clients it will create the Job on the first match available.

Note: If this happens, but you wish to have the Job logged under a different Client, you will have to manage this. For example, you could merge the new Client and the target one. See our article on Merging Clients here. If this is not practical for any reason you will have to re-create the Job elsewhere, or amend the new Client.

No email match
If there is no match on email address, the request will create a new Client for the Job.

Installing the Form on your Website

The required code to create the form can be found in your GeoOp website account at Settings > Company Information. See the below picture for the relevant fields:

The Job Request Form Code needs to be placed in the header script on your website.

The Form Placeholder needs to be placed in the page location you wish for the form to appear (this could be in-line or modal).

You can change the look of the form with your own CSS styles.

Further Notes

The loader script accepts two parameters: a token and an possible set of options.

  • Users can now set their own success message (see below).

  • Users can now set their own field names (see below).

geoop.load("token", options);
options: {
debug: false,
customTitles: {
'request-type' : 'Request Type',
'request-type-job' : 'Job Request',
'request-type-quote' : 'Quote Request',
'request-details' : 'Request Details',
'first-name' : 'First Name',
'last-name' : 'Last Name',
'phone' : 'Phone',
'email' : 'Email',
'address-1' : 'Address',
'address-2' : 'Address 2',
'city' : 'City',
'postcode' : 'Postcode',
'preferred-time' : 'Preferred Time',
'submit' : 'Submit',
'error-blank-fields' : 'Some of the required fields in the form were left blank. Please fill out the highlighted fields before submitting the form.',
'success' : 'Your job request has been submitted successfully. Thank you!'


If you are experiencing problems, do the following:

  • Missing token – look on the Company Account page under Settings in your GeoOp web console

  • No domain in Settings > Company Account – Ensure the domain you add the Job Form to is the same domain as the Website field (highlighted in the above picture) in Settings > Company Account

  • Enable debug mode using example 2 below:

Examples (assuming the token is ABCDE):

1. Load the widget with default settings:


This can be copied directly from the Company Settings page without modification.

2. Load the widget and enable debug mode:

geoop.load(“ABCDE”, {debug:true});

Here debug messages will be pushed to browser’s console, if it exists. If it doesn’t exist, then the messages will be pushed to alert windows.

To force pushing debug messages to alert windows (even when there is a console), replace “{debug:true}” with “{debug:’alert’}”:

geoop.load(“ABCDE”, {debug:’alert’});

Note: Not all browsers have console enabled by default and not all users may know what it actually is and how to access it, so sometimes forcing messages to alert windows may be a better option.

3. Load the widget and set some custom field titles:

geoop.load(“ABCDE”, {
‘address-2’: ‘Suburb’,
‘submit‘ : ‘Submit Request’}

4. Load the widget, set come custom field titles and enable debug mode:

geoop.load(“ABCDE”, {
‘address-2’: ‘Suburb’,
‘submit‘ : ‘Submit Request’
debug: true

Job Creation via Email

Job Creation via Email allows you to use your own website form to fire an email to a dedicated GeoOp email address that can then create new clients and new jobs in GeoOp.

Important Note: This process is intended to be implemented by a web developer and cannot be implemented by GeoOp on your behalf.

It is intended for use as a Job request tool for new clients only, as requests through this system will create a new Client in GeoOp. For businesses requiring existing Client job requests you have 2 options:

  • Using the GeoOp API. This requires web development competency to implement. If you are interested, you can find the GeoOp API documentation here.

  • Providing Client access to your account. This is a relatively new feature by which you can provide select Clients access to your account in much the same way one of your Staff members. They can then be enabled to create Jobs on their account. For further details please read our article here.

The process for creating this system is as follows:

  1. Firstly provide this information to your IT staff to check they are capable of implementing the system as required. It will be your responsibility to ensure field and format control to provide clean data that GeoOp can read.

  2. Each account has a unique email address to send job emails to. This must be requested from the GeoOp Support Team, by clicking here. It will be returned to you in the format

  3. Create your website form using the fields chosen from the below list. Some fields are required as a basic minimum to create a Job and a Client. All other fields are optional. See the table for further details.

Top Tips

  • All field values in the email should be formatted like [FIELDNAME:VALUE] – a set of dummy completed fields can be found below the table.

  • Attachments to the email will be added as file notes on the Job.

  • Job request emails that are unsuccessful will be picked up and a notification of the failure will be sent to your account owner’s email address. Troubleshooting failed emails with your Clients will be your responsibility.

  • The email key is case sensitive. It must follow the format

Fields supported by the email form

Field Name

GeoOp target field


Details/Format Requirements


Job Title



Booking Assignee

Should be in format of the staffs unique ID which can be found by going to staff > clicking the staff > copy and paste the unique ID from the URL

e.g. 1026419


Job Status

Should be written exactly as it appears in the interface

e.g. In-Progress

Note: Ensure there is no space before the status name [STATUS:In-Progress]


Job Reference

Should be a unique job reference. If left blank, will auto generate a unique reference on creation


Order Number


Booking Start (date)


Should be format 30 Jan 2000


Booking Start (hour)

Range 0-23


Booking Start (min)

Range 0-59


Booking End (date)

Should be format 30 Jan 2000


Booking End (hour)

Range 0-23


Booking End (min)

Range 0-59



Range 1-3 (tallies with low, normal, urgent)


Address 1


Building number & Street/road only


Address 2




Job Description

Free text - e.g. extra job details, specific requirements etc.


First Name


Last Name


*Either Last Name or Company is required




*Either Last Name or Company is required




Physical Address 1


Build number & street/road only


Physical Address 2


Physical City




Mobile Number


Mobile Country Code

Country code for the mobile phone. Number format only, no spaces






Mailing Address 1


Mailing Address 2


Mailing City


Business Type



Sample email data

Below is a full set of sample data as it could be sent to your unique email address:

[TIMEENDDATE:22 Nov 2012]
[TITLE: Email to Job1!]
[DESCRIPTION:A job and client created from an e-mail]
[ADDRESS:123 Imaginary Street]
[SUBURB:Fake Valley]
[CITY:Fake City]
[CLIENT_COMPANY: Jamie's Plumbing Co]
[CLIENT_ADDRESS:1 Tautari Street]
[CLIENT_PHONE:09 623 677]
[CLIENT_MOBILE:021 020 2020]
[CLIENT_FAX:09 623 678]
[CLIENT_NOTES:these are notes]
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