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Job Reports
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Written by Product Team
Updated over a week ago

Job Reports can be found by going to the reports icon in the navigation bar. Within the reports Page you will find three tabs, Job Reports is the first tab you will land on.

From here you can generate customised reports about your jobs. There are a number of options that you can use to customise your Job Report which are outlined below:

Profit vs Billable costs: When this option is chosen, “Billable” (invoice-able) charge data will be used to generate the report. You can see whether they are billable in each job’s Time & Parts tab.

Profit vs Actual costs: When this option is chosen, “Actual” charge data will be used to generate the report, and “Quoted” ones will not be included. In each job, Actual charges are displayed in green, while Quoted ones are grey.

Invoiced Only: If you only wish to include the charges that have already been invoiced, please select this option. You can see whether a charge has been invoiced in each job’s Time & Parts tab.

From / To Date: This time range is used to search for

- Visits started between specific dates, when you select Job Time

- Charges added between specific dates, when you select Work Time

Report by: You can use this list to choose what the generated report is based on. E.g. Staff Member, Client, Staff Role etc.

Search Staff by name: If you want to narrow down the results and show only jobs related to a specific user, you can put in the first name/last name/full name of a staff member in this field.

Job Time: This option will show the report based on visits planned within the From / To Date time range mentioned above.

Work Time: This option will show the report based on charges added within the From / To Date time range mentioned above.

If you are unable to generate the type of report you want from this page, you can try exporting your raw job data and manipulating it in excel or similar. You can read more about how to export jobs here.

Top Tip

  • To make sure that this feature works as accurately as possible, remember to select the correct staff and time when adding charges.

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