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Time & Timesheet Reports
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Written by Product Team
Updated over a week ago

From the GeoOp web console you can generate Time and Timesheet Reports to help you keep track of time scheduled and worked for your invoicing and payroll purposes.

  • The Time Report provides a consolidated view of all time logged by your staff members on jobs, whether this time has been marked as billable or not. It includes all hours recorded manually via the web console or using the Timer functionality within the GeoOp mobile app.

  • The Timesheet Report provides a consolidated view of all time scheduled on jobs to your staff members.

Time & Timesheet Reports can be found by going to the reports icon in the navigation bar. Within the reports Page you will find three tabs, Time Reports is the second tab, and Timesheet Reports the third.

Time Reports

Time reports are best used to calculate time added to jobs by staff members. The time will belong to whichever staff adds it in there, regardless of who the visit is assigned to. Only GeoOp Admin have access to that functionality.

Job timers and Manual time imports are both considered under time and will be treated the same, whether they appear in the CSV report once again depends upon your date range selection.

Once you have selected your reporting options, Click Create Report to run the report on screen, or XL Report to download an Excel sheet of results.

How is the Time Report Generated

Charges - ‘units’ of work the Staff member has done. As GeoOp currently has no way to tell if the Charge Rates being used are intended as hourly, daily, weekly or a flat charge, report results can be directly read as ‘hour’/time reports only if that is the sole unit type your Staff can add to Jobs.

In the below text, time included in the reports is hence referred to as ‘units’.

Time Report Options

There are a number of options that you can use to customise your Job Report which are outlined below:

Profit vs Actuals Cost report: This will look at units logged by Staff members, & will disregard whether units are marked as ‘Billable’ or not. If you have Quoting enabled on your account, it will only look at Actuals logged, not Quoted items.

Profit vs Billable Cost report: This will disregard whether units are Quoted or Actuals, and only look at units marked as ‘Billable’.

Invoiced Only report: This will run the report as selected, but filter to only look at units that have already been Invoiced. If unticked the report will return all results.

Type of Report: There are two types of reports a Work Time and a Job Time, these include or exclude certain 'units' dependant on a couple of factors.

  • Job Time : Job time will show the charges added within the selected date/range of the visit time.

  • Work Time : Work time will show the charges based on the date it was added to the job.

Staff: Choose to include any Staff members or Staff Roles from the list. If left blank the report will include all Staff. For each Staff member on your report, click on the header line to expand their report details, generate a PDF for download or email a summary.

Work Time vs. Job Time Example

Let us imagine that I have created a Job on the 23rd January, I added an Admin Fee when I created the Job. There are then three visits, one(23rd Jan), two(30th Jan) and three(6th Feb). At each visit a Labour Charge (unit) was added. Notice that visit one and two fall in January but visit three falls in February.

Work Time Report

Look at the table below to see how the report type, date range and the date of the charge return different results for the Work Time report:

This type of report is most useful for gauging work from a month to month basis and is therefore ideally used for payroll as the report is generated from the date when 'units' were added to the Job.

Top Tip: To get the full benefit from this method encourages staff to add charges to the job at the time of visit (rather than later on in the office).

Job Time Report

In the table below we see the different information obtained from running a Job Time Report:

This is most useful when you wish to understand 'units' associated with Jobs, irrespective of the time the 'unit' was added. If you sign-off Jobs as single units as opposed to small units based on visits, this method in most appropriate.

Timesheet Reports

Timesheet reports are best used to calculate time scheduled to job for your staff members, regardless of time that has been actually logged on the jobs.

On this report you also have the option to filter by Staff and choose if you want the report to display by day or not.

Then select the period of time you want the report to be generated and click Create Report. You can also export a CSV file including the same information. Only GeoOp Admin have access to that functionality.

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