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Scheduling and Booking Jobs
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Written by Product Team
Updated over a week ago

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What is the GeoOp Schedule?

GeoOp is designed to be flexible in the way you manage jobs, and assign jobs to your staff, and the main tool that helps you with this is the Scheduler, which you can access via the calendar icon in your navigation bar.

  • What are bookings? A booking is a time slot within a job and each booking can be assigned to one staff member. You can have multiple bookings at the same time, on the same job.

  • What is an unassigned booking? An unassigned booking is a booking that does not yet have a staff assigned to it. This can be useful for booking your jobs in, but you don't yet know which staff member will take the job

  • What is an unscheduled job? An unscheduled job is a job that has no bookings. It is essentially a placeholder job - you can add all the job information to it, but you don’t have to give it a date/time (i.e. a booking) straight away.

  • Can I add charges to bookings? Charges are still added to a job, however when you add a charge, you can choose to reference a particular booking. This is basically you saying “This charge was part of the work done on this booking.”

GeoOp Schedule Views and Filters

Here we will describe all the different views and filters that you can use to manage your jobs and staff on the Schedule page.

Schedule Views

First we recommend setting up your schedule in a view that works best for your workflow. It can often also be useful to switch between views depending on what you're doing. You can find all of the view settings in the top right hand corner of the schedule. We've outline each of those functionalities below

  1. Day, Week, Month view
    This allows you to determine what you see in the calendar below. You can choose a daily breakdown, a weekly breakdown or a monthly breakdown. We've shown a preview of each of those below

  2. Schedule by Time vs. Schedule by Staff
    Scheduling by time will allow you to have an hourly overview of your bookings

    Scheduling by Staff will show your staff down the left hand side
    Note: it is not possible to use Schedule by staff for Month view.

  3. Schedule Settings
    In here you can set a few different options for your schedule view

    1. Choose your 'business hours' range, to restrict your calendar to your business hours

    2. Reorder the information you would like to show up for each booking. This can be useful if you are more interested in the Client name than the job title, for example. Select the information you want to move and then click the up and down arrows. You can see a preview of the booking bard below for reference

    3. Choose your address format

    4. Show/hide Job Status from booking

    5. Enable background auto-refresh (the schedule will refresh automatically without you doing so)

  4. Show/Hide leave and unavailability from calendar

  5. Show/Hide booking details on hover
    This will enable and disable to functionality that allows you to view more details about a booking in your schedule by hovering over it.

Schedule Filters

Using the schedule filters can be useful for a number of reasons. We've listed some examples below:

  • Viewing the capacity for a specific staff member

  • Viewing the workload for a specific department (workgroup)

  • Filtering to a specific day, week or month

  • Returning back to the current day, week or month

You can find filters for those here:

The Funnel will allow you to bring up a list of workgroups and staff. From here you can choose which staff members you would like to show up in the schedule

The Calendar will allow you to move between different dates. It will work with your view choice of day, week or month.

Finally you can click on the button in the middle to return to the current day, week or month (dependent on your view choice).

Adding Jobs and Bookings to the Schedule

By default you will already see all of your bookings (assigned and unassigned) that fall within the date range you have specified in at the top of your schedule. From these bookings you can Assign, unassign and reassign as well as move the date / time of bookings > you can read more about that here.

To add New Bookings to the schedule, you can do this a few ways

  • Adding a New Job with Booking via the Add Job button

  • Find an existing Job via Find a Job panel and drag it into the schedule

    • This can be used to search for and filter existing Jobs. Here you can search for specific Jobs (by entering Client, Staff, Job Reference or Address info) using the Search field. When you've performed a search you can sort the results or filter by Job Status

  • Select a booking slot within the schedule and search for a Job to add it to

    • Clicking in a space within the schedule will bring up a dialog which automatically fills in the Date, Time, and Assigned Staff (Unassigned if you click in the Unassigned row), and allows you to search for a Job to add the Visit to.

Top Tips

  • You'll only see jobs in the schedule that have bookings for the date range you are looking at. If you can't see a job, it probably doesn't have a booking yet, or the booking does not sit within your date range

  • Clicking a Visit on the Schedule will open the Job details on the left panel, with all the Visit details. From there, you can edit the Job details, and add or edit Bookings. The Schedule will also highlight all Visits visible in the current view.

  • When a Job is showing on left panel, clicking on a Booking from the list will automatically take to you that Visit on the Schedule.

  • You can also edit a specific Visit by double-clicking on it. This will bring up the Job details on the left panel, and also the specific Visit information. If you drag and drop a Visit in the wrong place, don't worry, simply click and drag it again to where you want it to go.

  • You can also easily change the duration of the Visit by dragging the right edge of the Visit Card.

Assigning Staff to Bookings

In any view, you can drag and drop any booking from one staff members row to another - that will assign them to the Visit and amend any date/time details. You can similarly drag and drop an unassigned Visit straight to a Staff member's slot.

If you’re viewing currently viewing a Job in the left panel, it will allow you to add the Visit to the Currently Selected Job.

Note: The colours that appear for each Staff are set as a default, and will be different for each Staff member. You can control the colours if none suit your use. Please see our article on Editing Staff here.

Job update Notifications

One of the most important things to consider as you use GeoOp to manage your Jobs, is that key changes you make to Jobs (changing Job assignments, times, dates etc), either in the Scheduler or elsewhere in GeoOp, will automatically create Notifications to the Staff members concerned through GeoOp on their mobile devices. And any changes made that do not create Notifications will still be updated in real time to the Job record itself on their devices, so they will always have access to the latest information.

Note: If you are logged in on your device as the same User who made changes on the web console, you will not receive any notifications for changes.

Schedule FAQs and Troubleshooting


  • I can’t find my job on the job list- The job list has changed a little, in that it now has 3 views, scheduled, all, and unscheduled. If you have created a job with no visits, you may need to switch to “unscheduled” to find it. If the job is scheduled, make sure that you are searching in the right date range.

  • I can’t find my job on the scheduler- The scheduler job list works a little differently to the main job list. When you first open the scheduler, you need to select a date range that you want to work with, and click search. This will load all the jobs that fall in that date range, as well as all your unscheduled jobs. You can then use the filters on the list to narrow down what jobs you want to see. If you can’t find a job, make sure that you have used the right date range, and that you have not hidden it using any of the filters.

  • I created a job, and now I can’t see it- If you created the job without any visits, it may be in the unscheduled view. Otherwise, it may fall outside of the date range on your job list.

  • How do I view unassigned jobs on the scheduler?- There is no longer such a thing as an unassigned job. We now have unassigned visits. You can view jobs that contain unassigned visits, by searching within your desired date range, selecting “All” on the blue toggle, and checking “Only show jobs with unassigned visits.”

  • Why can’t I drag and drop from the job list to the schedule anymore?- Our new scheduler shows visits, not jobs. This means that the left hand job list is used for searching and viewing your jobs, while all dragging and dropping of visits is done on the scheduler.

  • What do the blue highlighted items on the schedule mean?- When you click on a visit on the scheduler, it will open the job that the visit belongs to in the left panel. All other visits for that job will be highlighted blue, so you can pick them out more easily.


  • How do I add a job?- The add job button has moved out of the left nav. To add a job, go to your job list, and tap the “+” button in the top bar

  • How do I get directions to my job?- In the old app, there was a map at the top of the job detail page. We wanted to save space and make the page easier to read by taking the map out, and keep the functionality. There are three icons to the right of the job address. The first shows you the job location on a map, the second gives you directions to the job, and the third copies the job address to your clipboard.

  • How do I accept or reject a job? There is no longer any concept of accepting or rejecting a job, since the user is now assigned to visits, not jobs. This functionality has been replaced with “Assign/Unassign Me.” If a user is assigned to a visit, it is assumed that they have accepted the visit, unless they unassign themselves from it. This actually saves the user an extra step. If the user wants to “reject” the visit, they need to go to the job detail page, tap on that visit, and tap “unassign me.” If users have permission to see all jobs, they will also be able to assign themselves to unassigned visits, in the same way. The admin user on the console will also receive useful notifications every time a user assigns/unassigns themselves.

  • How do I add a visit?- Open the job, and tap the green “add visit” text.

  • How do I edit a visit?- Tap the visit, then tap “Edit” in the modal.

  • I can’t find a visit that I know exists- Check your schedule filters, make sure you are looking at the right schedule, and that you are in the right time frame (past or current)

  • I can’t find a job that I know exists- Check your job list filters.


  • I can’t find the closest job tab- This functionality has been moved, to make room for the new schedule tab. However, it is still there. On the job list, open the filter page and tap sort by closest. You can now see all your jobs, ordered by distance, with the closest at the top.

  • How do I add a visit?- You can add a visit directly after creating a job, by tapping “Now” on the modal that says “would you like to add visits now or later?”. You can also add a visit to a job by opening the job, and tapping “Add Visit”.

  • How do I edit a visit?- Visits are part of the job, so to edit a visit, you need to edit the job. Open the job, tap edit, and then tap on the visit that you want to edit. Make sure to tap save on the visit when you are done.

  • How do I accept or reject a job? There is no longer any concept of accepting or rejecting a job, since the user is now assigned to visits, not jobs. This functionality has been replaced with “Assign/Unassign Me.” If a user is assigned to a visit, it is assumed that they have accepted the visit, unless they unassign themselves from it. This actually saves the user an extra step. If the user wants to “reject” the visit, they need to go to the job detail page, tap on that visit, and tap “unassign me.” If users have permission to see all jobs, they will also be able to assign themselves to unassigned visits, in the same way. The admin user on the console will also receive useful notifications every time a user assigns/unassigns themselves.

  • I can’t find a visit that I know exists- Check your schedule filters, make sure you are looking at the right schedule, and that you are in the right time frame (past or current)

  • I can’t find a job that I know exists- Check your job list filters.

  • I can't see “My Jobs” anymore- You can access all of your jobs by going to the schedule filter, setting it to “My Schedule” and clicking on visits assigned to you. These visits represent all of the job timeslots that you have been assigned to.

  • Is there a print schedule option within GeoOp? Currently no. However, the new version of GeoService we are working on at the moment does include this feature. If you would like to know when this version will become available, please email to get an idea on timing.

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