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Bulk SMS

Save time every day by messaging your clients in bulk

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Written by Product Team
Updated over a week ago


We're excited to introduce the Bulk SMS feature to GeoOp, designed to help you efficiently communicate with your clients. This feature allows you to send SMS messages to specific clients, making client management a breeze. Whether you need to keep your clients informed about upcoming jobs or simply want to send personalized messages, our Bulk SMS feature has you covered.

Getting Started

To use the Bulk SMS you'll need to have SMS enabled on your account. You can enable SMS from your subscription and billings page. If you'd like to read more about using SMS in GeoOp you can read about it here.

Note: SMS is not available for Trial subscriptions. Start your subscription to gain access to this feature.

How to Use Bulk SMS

To access the Bulk SMS feature, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Jobs List: Go to the Jobs List in your GeoOp dashboard.

  2. Filter the Jobs: Filter the Jobs List down to only the jobs you'd like to message. For example, you may only want to message jobs for tomorrow. More examples of how to filter your jobs can be found here.

  3. Select the Jobs: Choose some or all jobs from the list that you want to send SMS messages to. You can also select jobs across multiple pages.
    Note: If you don't have any jobs selected, the "SMS Clients" button will be disabled. Once you've selected one or more jobs, the "SMS Clients" button will become active.

  4. Click "SMS Clients": Click the "SMS Clients" button to begin sending bulk SMS messages.

The Send Message Screen

After clicking the "SMS Clients" button, you'll see the Send Message Screen. Here's what to expect:

  • Recipients: All clients associated with the selected jobs will be listed in the "Send to Clients" field. You will only message the main client on the job, not any secondary contacts.

  • Handling Missing Phone Numbers: Clients without phone numbers will be indicated with an orange chip.

  • Message Deduplication: If you select multiple jobs belonging to the same client, their chip will display once, and they will only be messaged once.

  • Sending: Once you've crafted your message, click "Send." You'll see a message letting you know how many SMS are being sent. You'll be able to see the success and failure of each SMS in the notification centre as normal.

  • Message Logs: The message will be recorded in the message logs of both the job and the client.

Filtering your Jobs for Bulk SMS

To get the most out of our Bulk SMS feature, you can use various filters available in the Job List. These filters allow you to target specific groups of clients and send them personalized messages. Below, we provide examples of how to use these filters for different scenarios:

1. Job Reminder: For sending job reminders, you can filter jobs in different ways:

  • Next Day: Use the date range and 'Scheduled' filter to filter for jobs scheduled for the next day to remind clients about their upcoming appointments.

  • Following Week: Use the date range and 'Scheduled' filter to select and message jobs scheduled for the following week. This helps ensure that clients are prepared for appointments in the coming week.

2. Wet Weather - Rescheduling: If you need to inform clients about job rescheduling due to wet weather, follow these steps:

  • Filter for Scheduled Jobs: Choose the "Scheduled" option in the Job Status filter to select only those jobs that are scheduled.

  • Select the Date Range: Set the date range to include tomorrow (or any other relevant date). This filters the jobs that are scheduled for tomorrow.

Now, you can message all clients with jobs scheduled for tomorrow to let them know about the rescheduling due to wet weather.

3. Service Due: To send service due reminders, follow these steps:

  • Filter for Service Due Jobs: Select the relevant filter options to identify clients with who are due for a service. This could involve filtering by job status or using the date range filter.

4. Spots Available for Service: When you have open spots available for service, you can use filters to reach out to potential clients:

  • Filter for Open Spots: Depending on how you manage your open spots, filter jobs accordingly to identify clients who can benefit from the available slots.

  • Notification: Send a message to these clients, informing them of the open spots and encouraging them to book and secure their appointments.

5. Invoice Overdue Reminder: For clients with overdue invoices:

  • Filter for Overdue Clients: Filter jobs by to select clients with overdue invoices. You can do this by filtering based on job status or other relevant criteria.

  • Send Reminders: Use the Bulk SMS feature to send reminders to these clients about their overdue invoices.

These are just a few examples of how you can utilize the filtering options in GeoOp to send bulk SMS messages tailored to your specific needs. By filtering your jobs effectively, you can streamline your communication and ensure that clients receive timely and relevant messages.

Limits for Bulk Actions

To maintain system performance and prevent issues related to large-scale actions, we've set specific limits for bulk actions. Here's what you need to know:

  • Bulk Update/Delete Limit: For bulk updating and deleting jobs, you can select up to 60 jobs at a time.

  • Bulk SMS Limit: For bulk SMS, you can select up to 100 jobs at a time.

Selecting Jobs Across Multiple Pages

You can now select jobs across multiple pages, making bulk actions even more efficient. Here's how it works:

  • Select All: When you use the "Select all" checkbox and jobs are spread across multiple pages, you'll be informed about the total number of jobs being selected and given the option to select all jobs that match your current filters.

  • Clear Selection: You can easily clear your selection if needed.

  • Bulk Actions: When you opt to update or delete all selected jobs, the changes will apply to all jobs within your selection based on the current filters.

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