This test prep strategy utilizes the exam features in GMM. We suggest beginning in early to mid-February and designating one day each week as 'Test Prep Day.' The remaining days of the week can be devoted to teaching new content.
Click the arrow next to each section to learn more.
Step 1: Create a pre-assessment
Step 1: Create a pre-assessment
1. From WORK, click the blue + sign.
2. Choose CREATE EXAM.
3. Name the exam.
4. Create a practice state exam. Add skills to the exam from your state collection to mimic what students will see on the state exam.
5. Choose that each student gets the same problems.
6. Click SAVE.
7. Click PUBLISH.
8. Choose if you would like to shuffle the problems for each student.
9. Choose the class(es) you would like to publish the exam to.
10. Click PUBLISH.
Step 5: Create targeted assignments from the results of the pre-assessment
Step 5: Create targeted assignments from the results of the pre-assessment
1. Select the first 3 skills using the checkboxes to the left of each description.
3. Name the assignment and click SAVE.
4. Return to the exam analysis and continue this process for any other skills you would like students to practice.
Step 6: Reteach and assign from the WORK tab
Step 6: Reteach and assign from the WORK tab
1. Use either PREVIEW or Full Screen button to go over problems with your students, or print a worksheet to use as guided notes.
2. Click ASSIGN.
3. Use the checkboxes to choose the class(es) you would like to work on the assignment and click ASSIGN.
4. Repeat this process one day each week with the remaining assignments.
Additional Options: Corrections & Follow-ups
Additional Options: Corrections & Follow-ups
1. After finishing up the remediation assignments, have students complete their corrections assignment from the pre-assessment.
2. After finishing their corrections assignment, have students take the follow-up exam.
Example Weekly Plan
Example Weekly Plan
Week 1
Give the pre-assessment.
Tuesday - Friday
Teach & practice new content.
Week 2
Provide guided practice on the first targeted assignment created from the results of the pre-assessment.
Assign the first targeted assignment to students.
Tuesday - Friday
Teach & practice new content.
Week 3
Provide guided practice on the second targeted assignment created from the results of the pre-assessment.
Tuesday - Friday
Teach & practice new content.
Repeat this process each week depending on how many assignments you've created from the pre-assessment.