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Where can I find individual student data?
Where can I find individual student data?

student data; student reports

Updated over 7 months ago

Choose CLASSES from the blue ribbon.
Choose a class from the left column.
Choose STUDENT DATA from the middle gray column.
The initial report will provide some data for students.
Click on a student's name to view more individual data.

To view data for individual students

Choose CLASSES from the blue ribbon.
Choose a class from the left column.
Choose STUDENT DATA from the middle column.
Click on a student's name under the Spiral Review tab to view individual student data.

Points Distribution
This circle graph is similar to the class level report. This circle graph shows the points earned from targeted skills compared to points earned in Spiral Review. Just as in class-level data, the green portion of the circle should be larger than the purple portion.

Skill Accuracy
This accuracy measure is for all active skills for the student.

Points Earned
This metric shows the points earned by the student in this class.

Total $ Attempts
This number indicates the number of $ sign problems attempted by the student.

$ Errors Fixed
This number indicates the number of $ problem errors the student has fixed or corrected.

Rotation Time
Rotation time is the number of days it takes to correctly cycle through all Active Skills in Spiral Review.

Skill Accuracy
This number is the average accuracy on all active skills.

Unfixed Errors
This number is the number of active skills that have uncorrected errors for the student. Hint--These squares have a exclamation mark on them.

This number reflects the number of penalties the student has on all active skills.


For this student, the number of skills that have not been attempted

Not Enough Data

For this student, the number of skills that have not been attempted enough to change to red or yellow yet

For this student, the number of skills that are red
For this student, the number of skills that are yellow
For this student, the number of skills that are green
For this student, the number of skills that are silver
For this student, the number of skills that are gold

All Skills
This portion of the report shows all skills, which skills are active, the color of the square, the accuracy, the attempts, the last five attempts, the last correct date, penalties, and unfixed errors for each skill. Use the Manage Columns button to turn on other columns as shown below.

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