To create a new assignment, choose WORK from the blue ribbon.
Click the blue + button to create a folder, exam, or assignment.
2. Add Skills
Locate the skills from the right column to include and select ADD SKILL.
Best practice alert: Cycle through several of the samples before adding a skill and keep the number of skills added to three or fewer.
3. Set Points per Skill
Points per Skill has a default setting of three points per skill. You may adjust the number of Points per Skill.
Best practice alert: Keep the default setting of three points per skill.
Spiral Review points are included in the assignment.
4. Click SAVE.
5. When you're ready for your students to practice, click ASSIGN. Select the class or classes, and then, click ASSIGN. Use the blue oval for immediate release or to schedule for a later date.
GMM Best Practice: Use GMM for guided practice before clicking ASSIGN.