When you find that you've assigned the wrong assignment, the first thing you should do is click ASSIGN on the correct one. This will deal with the immediate problem and give you some time to adjust. Though your students are now working on the correct assignment, as soon as they complete the current default targeted skills, they will see the problems you did not mean to include in Spiral
To remove the skill(s) from your students' Spiral Review
Choose CLASSES from the blue ribbon.
Choose the class from the left column.
Choose Spiral Review from the middle column.
Find the skill(s) in the list.
Move the slider to the left to deactivate the skill or use the trash can to delete the skill.
To remove the assignment:
Choose CLASSES from the blue ribbon.
Choose the class from the left column.
Choose Assignments from the gray column.
Find the assignment in the list.
Use the trash can to delete the assignment.