Proficiency is the metric to watch for long-term term retention. In GMM, Proficiency is accuracy over time. GMM reports Proficiency for a class and for individual students.
Additionally, teachers should check Points Distribution and Rotation Time. Points Distribution is the circle graph that provides a quick reminder of the number of points earned from targeted skills compared to points earned in Spiral Review. Rotation Time for the class in the median number of days that it takes the class to correctly cycle through all active skills.
GMM Best Practice:
βCheck the top three metrics at least once per week for each class.
Suggested values to break the forgetting cycle:
Proficiency: The longer the skill has been active, the greater the percentage should be.
Points Distribution: Green > Purple
Rotation Time: 15 or fewer days is best for long-term retention while 16-30 days is still good.
What should a teacher do if the metrics are not in the recommended ranges?
Have students earn more points in Spiral Review.
Start class with a warm-up with students working in Spiral Review.
Set a daily goal that includes Spiral Review.
Make sure assignments are small, with three or fewer skills at 3 points per skill.
Model input for students.
For more information, check out this guide: