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QBO Integration Error Codes
Updated over 7 months ago

At times, errors may pop up during the integration between Canopy and QuickBooks Online (QBO). Refer to the following resources to find the description of error codes and their solutions.

If you cannot find the correct error code or message in the resources, please reach out to customer support.

You may receive a message along the lines of "Updates are not syncing with QBO due to...". They may look like any of the following images, depending on where you are in Canopy.

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"Updates are not syncing with QBO due to..."

The QBO account used to set up the QBO integration is no longer an Admin in QBO.

Have a team member add you again as an Admin in QBO (you may need to go through the Reauthorization process afterward).


If you initially set up the integration, click the Reauthorize button. This will open a new window or tab. Sign in to QBO there. This is a specific flow that allows you to change the Admin for the integration. You don't need to repeat the whole integration process. Just sign in and confirm!

You missed a payment for your QBO account and QBO has suspended your account.

Make a payment on your QBO account.

You went 100+ days without performing an action in Canopy that used the QBO integration. This means you didn't create a client, invoice, or service item for 100+ days.

If you initially set up the integration, click the Reauthorize button. This will open a new window or tab. Sign in to QBO there. This is a specific flow that allows you to change the Admin for the integration. You don't need to repeat the whole integration process. Just sign in and confirm!

Tips: You'll be able to see these error messages in any QBO-related columns in Canopy (invoices, clients, etc.) and on the QBO tile in the Integrations settings page.


If you do not fix the issue related to the error message within ~2 weeks of seeing the first error message, the integration automatically disconnects and you'll have to restart the integration to keep using it.

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