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Define your coding standards

Use Clayton's Policies to ensure compliance with your security and code design best practices.

Gabriele Gallo Stampino avatar
Written by Gabriele Gallo Stampino
Updated over 4 months ago

Admin users can enable and disable policies to make them available to every project to achieve specific security and development goals.

Set up

  1. Go to your Clayton homepage

  2. Click on Settings β†’ Policies

  3. Use the policies to configure your coding standards

Create your custom policy

Clayton admin users can configure custom policies to enforce ad-hoc standards across every monitored project.

  1. Go to your Clayton homepage

  2. Click on Settings β†’ Policies

  3. Click on New Policy

  4. Add the required rules and configure them as needed

  5. Configure the desired behaviour


You can configure the behaviour of your policy to make certain presets mandatory for all projects or optional so that Project Leads can decide what rules to enable.

  • Disabled: the policy cannot be used in any project

  • OPT-OUT (default for new projects is ON): the policy is enabled by default when creating a new project, the Project Leads can decide to switch it off

  • OPT-IN (default for new projects is OFF): the policy is disabled by default when creating a new project, the Project Leads can decide to switch it on

  • Mandatory for all projects: the policy is enabled, and the Project Leads cannot switch it off


The number of skills that can be installed may be subject to limits depending on your subscription plan. Contact us for info.

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