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Why can't I submit a loan?

Find below the common errors and how to solve them

Morgan avatar
Written by Morgan
Updated over 9 months ago

If you are eligible for our financing service*, here are some common issues that may prevent you from finalising your loan request.

⏰ Loan duration must be less than 120 days.

⚙️ The reference must be less than 35 characters long and only contain letters, numbers or the following characters / - ? : ( )

💶 Our PDF reader only recognises invoices in € euros.

🗺️ The counterparts of the invoice must be registered in the following countries: France, Belgium, Spain, the Netherlands, Germany.

🏢 We only finance invoices between two companies, any request for an invoice with a private individual will be refused (please see our invoice acceptance criteria).

🔎 We may need to perform extra verifications of your company for KYB, please submit the requested details as soon as possible.

🏦 We may not recognise the BIC associated to the IBAN in our library, please contact us directly on the chat.

❓For any other reason, feel free to contact us directly in the chat

* If you are not eligible for our financing service, your loan facility amount will show €0 and/or the loan request button will be greyed out.

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