Improved email scanning to more accurately capture emails.
Emails are now captured in Trail with the correct date and time across all email domains.
Fixed an issue where emails appeared multiple times on profiles.
Fixed an issue where copying the Timeline Address into the BCC field of an email caused the email to take a while to appear in the profile timeline.
Partner's Life Full application pdf can now be downloaded.
Notes on an Insurance Policy Product will now appear in the Default Summary Schedule produced.
Typo corrected during a failing Policy data import.
Opportunities under archived Profiles now do not appear in the Mortgage Commission Report.
Bug fixed; when winning a mortgage opportunity, the specified ‘Interest Only Term’ saves in the final product.
Fixed any remaining issues when merging PDFs in the final Mortgage Application.
Proceeds from sale amounts will show in Cash & Equivalent section whenever a ‘Property Sale’ is selected as the application type.
Repayment Frequency now shows in Mortgage Lending Summary.
The Add Required Document button in the Documents tab is now working as intended.
Fixed notification bug, only notifications that have been opted in will send a notification to the user.
Visual edits for small screen view - threshold now at 1440px width.