Added a speech bubble symbol to activities that have notes within the activity, to better show at a glance that the notes are there.
Calculator Updates
Updated the ANZ UMI servicing calculator to V8.2.
Fixed an issue where Vehicle Insurance was not mapping to the correct category for the Westpac UMI servicing calculator.
Bug Fixes
Resolved all cases where a client may end up skipping the Title question in the Fact Find, resulting in the client not having a gender.
Fixed an issue with certain mortgage applications displaying the Funding Required amount as $000.
Fixed an issue with notifications not being sent when clients were uploading documents under certain conditions.
Fixed an issue with certain companies coming up as already existing in an organisation when they have not been created yet.
Fixed an issue with Provider Research documents returning after they had been previously deleted.
Fixed an issue with attaching a document to a note on a client profile.
Fixed text within the quickforms of Trail that incorrectly referred to the opportunity owner instead of the submitting adviser.
Fixed an inconsistency where the date a quickform was sent would be incorrect in the event that the user's email integration had broken.