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Trail Updates - 10/02/2023
Erica Danielson avatar
Written by Erica Danielson
Updated over 2 years ago

Latest Updates ο»ΏπŸ‡ February 10th 2023

Please note that some of these were implemented earlier this year πŸ‘

Bug Fixes & Updates

  • Fixed a bug where "Needs Analysis" was spelled incorrectly in the downloaded PDF title page.

  • Fixed a notifications bug where the FRR notice had undefined Lender and Interest Rate information

  • Fixed an issue where Trail upcoming birthday notices were displaying the incorrect age by 1 year.

  • Fixed an issue with the rate of a Credit Card saving.

  • Fixed a bug where certain open advice opportunities was not showing in the Applications tab in the profile.

  • Fixed a bug where the Referrers on profiles were available to select as investment product owners

  • Fixed a bug with Advanced Filter when trying to look for "empty" results.

  • Fixed a bug where the FRR (days left) had different results on the Profile Product page or

  • Fixed an issue with using Trail while on the Safari internet browser.

  • Fixed an issue with formatting on the Advanced Filter.

  • Fixed a consistency issue with quickforms showing as completed while on the profile timeline.

  • Fixed an issue with the servicing rate for The Co-operative Bank not flowing into new loan structures as expected.

  • Fixed an issue with expenses saving while on the client side of the Fact Find.

  • Fixed an issue with the client's gender not being assigned following their answer to the Title question.

  • Fixed an issue with mortgage information still appearing even if a user did not have access to the mortgage side of Trail.

  • Fixed a bug where the FRR (days left) had inconsistent results on the Profile Product page versus the Products page.

  • Fixed an issue with the default document request not working under certain conditions.

Calculator Updates

  • Updated the SBS UMI servicing salculator to V12.7.

  • Updated the ANZ UMI servicing calculator to V8.3.

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