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Methodologies supported by Compass for Data Integrations

Updated over a week ago

The first step to use the Compass software ecosystem is to integrate data from Client system to Compass system through various methodologies, the most optimized method is selected based on discussions among tech teams from Compass and Client org respectively after a thorough feasibility analysis.

The data that needs to be integrated can be generally split into 2 parts:

  1. 1.User data : This comprises the sales agent/partner level data who are part of the campaign program or incentive schemes with a unique id defining each sales agent

  2. 2.Transaction data: This comprises the event data or campaign related transaction data created at a set frequency (e.g. monthly, quarterly) depending on program

In the best case scenario, it is suggested to have a real-time integration set-up to avoid as much manual intervention as possible which in turn helps in error reduction

Integrations work on the latest source of truth and it is important to handle data upload cycles on the basis of whether it is an incremental or cumulative data upload. It is important to clarify the nature of data and the change data capture (CDC) mechanism in the initial integrations discussions

Methodologies Offered By Compass

Compass uses various standardized methodologies to work with Client organizations to integrate data into Compass

The initial process typically involves tech teams from both sides to discuss and implement the pilot of the integration

Once set, the Compass integration method fetches data automatically in the next cycle onwards from Client systems and programs, reports, templates are updated automatically

To make the best use of the Compass offerings, we should look at integrations that enable secure real-time integration maintaining data integrity in every data cycle. In order of preference, we generally suggest integrations through CRMs, Webhook, SDKs and SFTP to get the best experience of overall Compass Integration.

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