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Close CRM Integration

Close CRM Integration with Compass

Updated over a week ago

Here we get started with Close CRM and its relevance to Compass

Close is an inside-sales CRM catering majorly to start-ups and SMBs.

Here we explore the integration between Close CRM and Compass. It is a data source integration where data fetches from Close to Compass enable dynamic gamified incentivization for your sales teams.

The data fetches are real-time, therefore, enabling improved engagement by the sales teams

Let us consider an internet SMB company: Oscorp. The Admin User at Oscorp is the sales manager who is managing incentives for his sales teams, that is, the End Users.

Until now, the admin of the company had to manually enter End User data into an Excel/CSV and upload it to create Programs and run Gamified Incentives for his sales teams.

We at Compass have now simplified and quickened this process by reducing the number of steps with our first CRM Integration with Close CRM.

The admin at Oscorp can now directly get a data dump onto Compass from his Close CRM on-premise and get straight onto Program Creation, focusing on incentivizing and motivating his sales teams.

Why CRM integration on Compass?

  • Straight to Program Creation: Users can go straight on to Program Creation for their sales teams and leave out the data transfer work to us.

  • Real-time Programs: Now you have the ability to run programs on real-time data as the performance metrics of end-users are available to both admins and end-users based on the accessibility rights they have. Essentially, the admin is updated in real-time on team performance.

  • Auto-Pilot your way: Instead of tediously creating Excel spreadsheets to record data on your sales teams, now you can connect Compass to your company’s CRM quickly and easily without having to worry about tedious data transfer issues such as manual entries, error management, structural changes, etc.

  • Uniformity: The CRM structure that has been setup as per your business gets replicated onto Compass seamlessly. You get your data onto Compass in the same exact form it is on your CRM. This ensures standardization and simplicity for your teams.

  • One source of truth: Standard Use Cases in CRM Migration are built-in and are activated by default. Structure changes made on CRM will be reflected onto Compass in real-time, that is, only one source of truth for the data. For custom use cases, there are options available to make the customization simple and straightforward.

Now you can influence the behavior of your end-users in real-time as the data updates made on Close CRM will be immediately available on Compass and the nudges/notifications enabled by you will be based on real-time data s well.

Connecting Close with Compass

Here we cover the entire process of integrating Close CRM with compass

1. Login to your Compass account:

To learn how to login and setup your Compass account, please use the below links:

2. Go to Data Sources and Variables:

3. Click on Add Data Source:

4. Click on icon under Add data sources:

5. Here, you need to enter your API key from Close CRM for integration:

If you do not have the API key available with you, please visit the link in blue color as given under “Generate your API key” to get started on importing a pre-existing API key or generate your own.

6. You may create a new API key here by clicking on “New API Key":

Now, you have logged into your Close account. You will find this screen on your Close account after clicking the link shown in the previous step.

7. Please enter your API Key name

8. Your API key has been generated. Please save it in a safe location as it will not be displayed again

9. You now have the API key. Please enter it in Compass and click on Authenticate:

Please go back to your Compass page where you left off and punch in your API key.

Only one API key per Close CRM account is allowed. This is because a certain company will integrate its API key only once.

Data Transfer between Close and Compass

Here and in the ensuing pages, we'll have a look at Data Transfer and Verification

Compass has built-in mechanisms to ensure structural consistency is maintained in the data transfer.

It is important to verify your imported data from Close onto Compass for consistency.

Close Objects and Fields

There are multiple objects and Fields in Close, all of which are now possible to import into Compass.

Let us have a look at some Objects and Fields in the table below.

The Objects are Column Names and the Fields corresponding to those Objects are in their respective Columns.







































































These are standard Objects and Fields native to Close.

For large amounts of Data Transfer

There will be a folder called Close that's created upon successful data transfer from Close to Compass. The folder will have a progress icon to display sync activity. For large amounts of data, the sync can take to up to an hour. A mail will be sent to your Email upon successful data transfer.

Data Sync Verification

The Close Folder in Data Sources and Variables will update with a notification in-app when verification is complete. You may verify the data by looking at the Close Objects and Fields imported in the folder as Compass Data Sources. In case of any discrepancy, please contact Compass Support:

Standard Use-Cases and Custom Use-Cases

Compass takes care of many Standard Use-Cases for your convenience and compatibility of our system with Close CRM such as:

  1. 1.New user creation from Close

  2. 2. Data fetch & real-time sync

  3. 3.Data Transformation

  4. 4.Join creation

  5. 5.Variable creation

  6. 6.Program creation

For Custom Use-Cases apart from these, you can easily create them inside the Compass portal after connecting Close with Compass.

New User Creation from Close

Get your Close CRM admin profiles migrated automatically onto Compass

All the Admin users and sales agents as per their set permissions are updated from Close onto Compass as Admin users and Partners respectively. This is an automated process managed by Compass.

User hierarchy and accessibility rights are maintained and kept the same on Compass, exactly matching with how they were on Close.

Different types of Data and Data Fetches

Type of Data imported can be Productivity related and Pipeline related:

  1. 1.Productivity-related Data consists of Data such as number/type of calls made, number/type of emails sent and received, tasks, meetings, etc.

  2. 2.Pipeline-related Data covers the sales pipeline. For example; Interest expressed, follow-up call, Demo schedule call, Demo Presentation, Payment made, Deal Closed, Retention Metrics, etc.

One-time Data Fetch: When you execute the import from Close onto Compass, all data existing at Close is fetched at once.

Real-Time Data Sync: After the one-time fetch, all future data updates on Close are immediately reflected on Compass because of real-time data sync. You have this feature enabled by default in your Compass account.

Third-Party Bulk imports: Imports done in Close before the Close-Compass integration will be fetched along with the rest of the data. However, we do not support auto-transfer of third-party imports which are added to Close after the integration.

Pipeline and Metrics

Here we look at Close Pipeline and important metrics associated with the pipeline, which are all seamlessly migrated to Compass upon integration

Close Pipeline:

A sales pipeline is an organized, visual way of capturing where prospects are in the overall sales process.

Close allows you to customize your pipeline with Opportunities. Opportunities add value to your Lead by specifying the status of the lead in the sales pipeline.

Default values for Opportunities are 'Demo Completed', 'Contract Sent', 'Proposal Sent', 'Won', and 'Lost'. You can add custom Opportunity Statuses in your Organization Settings.

These Opportunities can be viewed as a list or as a pipeline in Close.

Compass auto-imports all Opportunities for all your Leads from Close.

Close-Compass Metrics:

These are the data based on which the incentive programs are calculated, They can be productivity related metrics or pipeline related metrics.

Productivity Metrics:

  1. Calls

  2. Emails

  3. SMS

  4. Tasks

Calls: The CRM not only tracks the number of calls made by the employee but also identifies whether the calls are inbound or outbound, call duration, follow-up calls, calls that have reached voicemails, number of voicemail reached calls left to follow-up, etc. Programs can be created on Compass on the basis of these data.

Emails: Apart from the number of emails sent or received, the type of email whether it is email newsletters, personalized emails, lead nurturing emails, sponsorship emails, transaction emails, brand storytelling emails is also tracked.

SMS: Type of SMS as in inbound, outbound, one way, two way, conversational, toll-free, chatbot based can be tracked. KPIs in Programs can be created accordingly by Admin user.

Pipeline Metrics:

The sales funnel visualized is what is meant by pipeline metrics. It helps you track the productivity of your sales team in one go. The entire sales process is broken down into discrete, traceable tasks, out of which those tasks that contribute the most to revenue generation and productivity can be rewarded the most.

The objective is to maximize the conversion rate at the bottom of the funnel and this is where Compass comes in with customized incentives management at each layer of the sales funnel.

Compass enables the admin to identify the gaps and therefore, improvements possible in sales funnel, so as to maximize the movement of prospective customers onto the stage at which they pay.

Seamless Data Transformation:

The metrics coming in from Close CRM to Compass during the integration process are all auto-transformed to Compass-compatible data types to ensure the structural integrity of Compass with Close.

You can focus on using Compass directly as all the data transformations are real-time, automatic, and occur in the backend during the transfer.

On successful integration, you will be taken to Data Sources and Variables and can see all Close Objects, Fields, and Metrics pertaining to your account auto-generated by Compass as per the imported data from Close.

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