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May 2020
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May 2020

Custom Performance Dashboards And Push Notifications To Drive Achievements

Xoxoday Compass aligns channel partners, sales teams, and gig workers to targets, digitizes their performance incentive Plans and provides error-free payouts on time. From options to create a custom performance dashboard to push notification nudges, here’s what has changed in the latest update on the Compass platform.

1. Option to Customize the Performance Dashboard with Widgets

Dashboard customization with widgets

The Compass dashboard helps the Plan admin get a detailed snapshot of the Plan progress. With this release, admins can design their viewport with data that is relevant to them using a widget selection option. A customized dashboard can help the admin view reports that compare user attributes that are significant to their use case - giving great insight into the Plan’s effectiveness.

2. Supervisors can keep Track with Hierarchy-based Reporting System

Hierarchy-based reporting systems in Compass help supervisors and senior partners to track the performance of employees or partners in their team. Built-in data access controls in the platform ensures that the supervisor is able to see the data only for their team members allowing them to focus on their own team’s performance.

3. Position-based Rewards with Advanced Leaderboard

Advanced leaderboard settings in this Compass release helps admin to automatically incentivize top performance. Admins can specify different rewards for users on different top positions in the leaderboards, motivating the top performers to fare even better to bag a higher position.

4. Convey the Right Message by Uploading Custom Flyers for Campaigns

Campaign setup: Mobile view

Desktop view

With the new Plan information feature in Compass, admins can communicate useful information about the campaign with end-users. Flyers like infographics, posters, and write-ups in file formats like that of PDF, DOC or notes can be uploaded to add more meaning to the campaigns.

5. Two-way Sharing with the Document Repository

The document Repository

Compass now allows two-way document upload option with which both admins and end users can seamlessly share information. While admins can upload important information and documents for the end users, the end users themselves can share documents by uploading these on the app.

This feature will allow admins to circulate announcements, datasheets, product documentation, certificates, and end users to upload sales proofs, invoices and other claim documents.

6. Keep Stakeholders in the Loop with App Notifications and Emails

Email notifications

The admin(s) as well the end users will now receive email and push notifications for various scheduled events, promotion Plans, and incentive campaigns that are live on the Compass platform. These notifications can be tailor-made for its messaging and frequency as per the admins’ requirement. Regular updates via notifications and email help users stay in loop to actively participate in campaigns, Plans, and events planned for them.

7. With New Architecture, Compass is Faster

With an upgrade in the database management system, the Compass platform is quicker, optimized, and scalable. Enjoy faster data processing and a seamless flow of data with the new architecture. That's all for Compass May 2020 feature updates. To see these live, book a demo. Don't miss on other Compass news - subscribe to the Xoxoday newsletter from the box below.

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