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May 2021
Updated over a week ago

Incentive Plan designs just got a whole lot better!

Xoxoday Compass takes a step further with its May 2021 release in digitizing incentive Plans with game mechanics, aligning people to targets, and providing error-free payouts on time. Now create enriching contests and Plans for your channel partners, salesforce, gig workforce, and support teams. Here’s what to expect from the May 2021 Compass release.

1. Custom name your motivation currency

Every organization chooses to call their reward points with a name unique to them. Compass allows admins to define reward points in a way their teams are well acquainted. Admins can customize the name of the points to any name of their choice. For example, once the reward point name is changed to “supercoins” all content displayed to the user will have this newly defined name. For example, instead of “ You can earn Xoxo points” they will start seeing “You can earn Xoxo supercoins”. To change the points name, navigate to the hamburger menu and go to customization. Click on the Rewards menu and under the Points tab - here you would be able to change the points name. Click on Update once the points name is edited.

2. Now you can define the score type of your choice

Labels the measurements of achievements in a way that matters most to your organization. In addition to defining the reward point, you can even define how to score your Plan participants while creating a Plan. The score could be a whole number, or accurate to the decimal points, or even a string like ‘Silver club’. You can drag and drop the created score to an active or inactive state based on your current Plan needs. Admins can change the score name and the score type can be - either a Number (Whole, decimal, or negative), Strings, or a Date. Admins can go to the ‘Score’ tab within the ‘Rewards’ menu to view and edit the list of active scores. Clicking on ‘Create a score’ offers options to create a new score.

3. Updating and modifying user details are now easier

Now the user status can be easily modified by a super admin on Compass. By navigating to the user management option from the menu bar on the top left corner of the screen, and hovering over a user, the admins would be able to see an “Edit” icon and a “Disable” icon. These options help update user details or in disabling a user. Once the details are selected, the admin can click on “update” to finish.

Edit User

Edit User Details

In some instances, admins would be required to update user details in bulk, in that case, admins can click on the download icon "

" on the top right corner of the screen and select the User role and download the .csv file and make the edits and upload it. you would be able to check if the upload was successful in the "Import History" admin menu.

Note: When the .csv file is downloaded and edited, it is mandatory not to leave any field blank.

4. View the Import History Logs

With this new feature, admins would now be able to easily track the history of the previous data uploads. The tables that were imported are now listed chronologically and are readily downloadable for future reference. It also gives information on whether the data table was successfully imported or not. Click on the ‘Import History’ option in the Settings section of the Compass main menu, to access the list.

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