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June 2021
Updated over a week ago

Compass makes long and quick strides with a set of new and useful features!

For its June release, Compass has come up with a portfolio of features.

  • On the Mobile App, a smart view feature has been added in “My Team Performance Section”, which enables the manager to view his team’s details and performance corresponding to the specific Plan he is handling.

  • Another feature lists out the transactions made in a particular Plan to the admin with all relevant details.

  • Setting up the incentive logic has more options now with multiple new math functions like COUNT, DISTINCT, IF-ELSE available. Errors made, if any, while setting up the Plan can be avoided as the logic expressions are validated automatically in real-time.

  • Partner Code as a parameter is made mandatory so that database stability is strong.

1. Own Account Setup for Admin users

A DIY mode of account setup is now available to any Admin on the platform. It’s as simple as accessing the link and setting up your account yourself.

Now, at, any sales leader/ manager can directly set up their accounts. On the sign up page, enter your Name, followed by your email and your Phone number, you will receive an OTP on your phone (we support phones with +91 codes, we will be going international with multiple country support soon). Next, you’ll be redirected to an OTP based verification Page, after which you can create your password. Ensure that you create a strong password (preferably alpha-numeric). Now, you can enter your Organization Name, customize the platform with your Company logo and can pick a color from our comprehensive color table to add your unique twist. You can also set your billing address and set your currency.

2. A brand new report dashboard

The Reports module in Compass empowers the Admin on the entire lifecycle of the End Users in their team with powerful analytics and intuitive visualizations.

Once you click on the Reports section in the Main Menu, you now see an Overview section. This is a new and essential addition that gives you a bird’s eye view of all the critical metrics of Compass for your organization.

The following half-yearly snapshots are available.

  • Total Logins done in the past 6 months are available with the Login widget - helping the admin gauge overall adoption of Compass

  • Total Redeem widget to view total points redeemed in Plum over the last 6 months - indicating the scale of spend the Users are making

  • Total Recharge widget to track the recharges availed from stores via Compass - helping the admin track the available balance and the previous company recharges over last 6 months

  • Total Awards widget to view the value of awards given on Compass, indicating the Available Balance. It is a static widget as of now, it will be enhanced with a date filter feature to track over a time period in an upcoming release.

3. Hierarchy Levels in Reports Module

With this release, Managers and the entire sales force hierarchy has a dynamic view of the entire performance data. Every manager will now be able to focus on their teams - tracking their performance closely and in-turn accelerating the team’s performance. Managers can see reports of users in their team or of each user in the organization depending on the kind of access rights they have.

For example, a team leader can see performances and gaps of his 15 team members, whereas a Regional Manager can see the performance and gaps of his entire region.

4. Leaderboard 2.0 - Now with Secondary and Tertiary Metrics

We have pushed out a revamped leaderboard. While creating a leaderboard, the admin can define 3 metrics viz. Primary, Secondary and Tertiary. Therefore, the End User can be tracked not just on one Primary metric, but on two additional metrics - Secondary and Tertiary. Clashes in a particular metric will be resolved by comparing the next level of metric.

Eg. A team leader responsible for their team of delivery people can set the Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Metrics based on which each team member’s performance can be tracked. Let us say that the 3 metrics are Delivery Fulfillment rate, Fake deliveries and Attendance. The leaderboard will be formed based on Delivery Fulfillment rate. If there is a clash between two team member’s Delivery Fulfillment rate, then their Fake Deliveries metric will be compared, and then their attendance. In this manner, clashes in performance of two team members will be avoided and a seamless leaderboard will be created.

5. Team performance on app for Managers

Now managers would be able to view the team details and performance w.r.t Plan on the mobile app under My Team Performance section.

This is a mobile app feature update where the manager can view all details and performance metrics of his team under My Team Performance section. This enables the manager to track the team on-the-go and increase both his own and his team’s productivity.

6. Transaction details for better Plan management

Now the admin can view the list of transactions of every participant user considered against an incentive Plan with all details. The admin can view a list of all transactions considered, validated and verified for his particular Plan. The list can be viewed with filter(s) and can be downloaded as an Excel as well. This enables the admin to perform root cause analysis and troubleshoot on the grievances, if any, of the End Users on their transactions not getting considered. Effectively, provides the admin with a foolproof process of viewing all transactions at once and re-verifying them.

7. More power to Compass Calculation Engine

Multiple new math functions like count distinct, If and else have been introduced. Also expression validations have been introduced to avoid the errors.

The admin can use multiple math functions including count, if/else, floor, ceiling this enables them to have a wider variety of logic expressions to design the incentive logic. Therefore, the admin has a wider variety of incentive schemes available to design.

Additionally, validation checks have been introduced when the expression is created. This removes the risk of wrong incentive logic fed into the Plan. The admin can be now assured of having only verified and rational incentive schemes, validated by the system right when they setup the participants, targets, milestones, etc

8. Partner code made the unique identifier for users

After many rounds of study to identify the best unique key for a Compass user, the ‘partner code/ employee code’ is now frozen as the unique identifier (a mandatory field). Now every user needs to be attributed to a unique partner code. This enhances flexibility to modify user details, traceability and database stability.

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