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April 2022
Updated over a week ago

Web Module for End users

The Compass user menu is mainly designed for the users to view the browser version of the features that are visible on the mobile app version. Let us look at the step-by-step guide to use the compass user menu.

User home page:

  • To switch to the compass user menu, click on the tab below compass (left top corner), and change the menu to “User” to log in as a user.

Drag down option to switch between logging in as Admin and User

  • On the left side of the user menu, options such as Dashboard, Plan, Incentives, Groups and Notifications are available.


  • Dashboard is the homepage for the user menu. Users can see details such as:

    • tasks to be done

    • rewards you can earn

    • completed tasks

    • Milestones you reach

    • Your performance

Dashboard of User page

  • Further, a Plan can be viewed in detail using the option “View Plan” on the right top of the screen. Users can view points scored, badges earned, scores and milestones achieved (in a gamified format).

  • Plan details can also be viewed using the “Details” option available on the right top corner. Plan group name, Start date, End date, About the Plan, attachments can be viewed using this option.



  • Plans in Compass form the critical part of creating incentive campaigns. These campaigns hold all the logic of incentive automation that is planned with Compass. Experience a whole new set of statistical and logical functions (groupby, filterby, count unique etc.) along with the gamut of math functions. Additionally, a visual Plan design canvas helps admins easily create even the most complex scenarios.

  • The user can switch to the Plans window using the “Plans” option available in the user main menu.

  • The Plans section is divided into 3 section:

    • Active - Plans that are currently being used for rewarding incentives

    • Upcoming - Plans that are to be made available

    • History - previously active Plans

  • Users can switch between these sections by clicking on the corresponding tabs. The number shown in the bracket (next to the name of the section) represents the count of the Plans under the section. For e.g., as per the image shown below, there are currently 13 active Plans.

  • User can select any Plan and get the details of the Plan (similar to one explained in the previous section) by clicking on “Go to Plan”.

List of active or upcoming or past Plans


  • The incentive section in Compass tabulates the incentives scheduled to be disbursed and holds the approval workflow of the incentive disbursals.

  • The user can switch to the incentives window using the “Incentives” option available in the user main menu.

  • Under incentives, users can view the “Current balance” of their incentives. The table shown in the image below details the status of the incentive (whether it is earned or not), the date on which it was earned, amount and any other additional information or comments.


  • An option next to “Current balance” is available, namely “Upcoming points”. It shows similar details of incentives that are either in “Pending” or “Rejected” status.

Upcoming points

  • The table can be filtered based on status and date, using the option on top right of the screen (Below “Redeem points”).

  • Incentives can be redeemed using the option “Redeem Points” option available on the top right corner of the screen.

Option to filter incentives wrt date

Option to filter incentives wrt their status


  • Groups in Compass enable the partners and employees of your organization to seamlessly communicate and collaborate. Users can use these groups to engage in meaningful conversations and manage tasks, documents and issues.

  • Click on the "Groups" option on the user main menu. This displays all the groups of the organization.


  • Clicking on the ‘View All groups’ opens the list of all groups that you are a member of.

  • This displays the common groups, workgroups, and interest-based groups you are part of, the number of members in the group, and whether the group is open or closed.

  • The next tab with the label “Other Groups” lets you explore all groups you are not a member of. Here you can choose to view each group and join them.

  • New group can be added using the option “Add New Group” available on the top right corner of the screen.

  • Details such as Group name, description, privacy settings (to choose whether it’ll be a closed or an open group), adding members automatically to the group, etc. are to be entered to add a new group.

  • And then, click on “Create” to add the new group.

Adding a new group

  • Information about the members of the group can be obtained by clicking on the top right button that shows the count of members on the Townhall group.

  • A page with the list of the members available, their roles (admin or member), profile picture, etc. are available.

  • There is also a provision to make or remove a person as Admin of the group using the kebab menu near each profile.


  • Users can see all the notifications they’ve received using the “Notifications” option in the user main menu. It shows a list of all the notifications received. Users have a variety of options such as clicking on them to read them, “Mark all as read” and “Delete all”.

Notification bar

Plan priority via drag and drop

  • Users can now prioritize which of the active Plans should appear on the apps first. Ideally, the order of Plans that appear on the app are as per the date of creation with active Plans given precedence over completed ones. With the new update, users can drag and drop the Plans in the order they wish them to appear on the app. Therefore, now the manually altered order is superseded by the automatically generated order.



API and Backend Optimization:

  • While recalculating the metrics for an active Plan, usually the entire set of metrics are taken into account. With the new update, only the metrics related to the Plan will be used in recalculating, and not the entire set of metrics.

  • This can be performed by clicking on the kebab button of any active Plan. Click on “View incentive” and recalculate the metrics created for the particular Plan.

Error messages while performing user upload:

  • While adding user data using the “Add users” option using csv upload, if there are any errors on the data that is being uploaded, proper error messages will pop-up for the user to understand and rectify the corresponding error on the data.

  • One of the examples of pop-up error messages is shown below.

Pop-up error while uploading user data

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