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July 2022
Updated over a week ago

Xoxoday Compass is getting better with every passing release. As the month of July ends, here are the features rolled out with the new release. Ranging from Customized View for Clients, simplification of Plan structures using cascading, UI/UX improvements, Code Optimizations for better performance. Let’s have a look.

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  2. Branding and Customisation:

This feature allows us to customise several aspects of compass by adding logos, colours and more for better personalization. Available in Settings->Customisation

The Browser Tab, the icon, the Company Logo, the Login Page Background Image can be changed from here.

The theme of the compass web as a whole can be changed as well. A collection of pre-set themes are available or users can also create their own custom theme that matches their branding.

Editing the Browser tab:

Users can enter their organisation’s name with a recommended length of 30 to 60 characters. A live preview just below is available.

Updating the Background image:

A collection of pre-set images are available and users can also upload custom images.

Choosing the Custom Theme:

The custom theme can be set from a collection of options that includes setting the primary, secondary, tertiary colour. Advanced Settings for changing colours of Left Navigation, Left Navigation Button and Left Navigation text is also available.

A preview of the selected colours are available on the left side of the screen that shows how various features of Compass would look when these colours are selected.

2. Cascading Plans:

A new feature for enabling cascading has been added in the Plans Settings Page. This will enable this Plan’s output and data to be used in other Plans. The cascading feature for a particular Plan cannot be disabled once the Plan is active.

Upon choosing this option the user is presented with two choices:

  1. 1.

  2. To Create a new view. 2. Using an existing view.

If a user creates a new view then a view with the same name as that of the Plan would be created. If a user chooses to use an existing view then a dropdown list of options will be shown to the user.

A view with the same name as that of the Plan is created upon choosing to create a new view, visible in the Connections tab.

Since this Plan is now active, this setting for cascading cannot be modified anymore.

3. View Configuration:

A new option has been added for the Connections in Compass called “View Configuration”.

Clicking on View Configuration shows the connection details:

The Connection Name, the names of the datasources and the type of join used are displayed to the user. Clicking on the information button gives the information of the names of data sources and the fields on which the join was created.

4. Taskqueing /Celery Changes:

Celery changes in user management: processing of user addition through celery. Previously we were using kafka so it was getting slow and clogged up because all the process were running in one queue Now, we moved it to celery where we are processing separately for each company. Hence now it's faster.

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5. Code and Performance Optimization:

Campaign and data source code optimization: campaign addition and processing (incentives calculation) has been optimised.

Reduction in the number of calculations for users whose data is not there in event data. We will not be calculating their Calculation Reports, KPI/Performance reports, Leaderboards, would not be considered as an active participant and for cascading there would be no data for those users, inactive in the campaigns. For Reprocessing if there is data coming in future, the calculations for those should be reflected in the reports.

6. Google Sheet Integration:

Google Sheet Integration has now been added as an option for adding data sources.

A few checklist items to consider before starting the google sheet integration:

Required data is in the first tab of the Google sheet (others tabs will be ignored) Row 1 contains field headers Sheet has no blank rows or columns

To use this integration, the user should have edit access to the Google sheet that needs to be integrated with Compass. The users are authenticated as a G-suite user and can proceed to select the Google Sheet they want to integrate as an event template into the platform.

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