Pre-fill payment information on forms
Using a unique URL link, returning donors and registrants can quickly complete repeat donations and registrations. The unique link contains a Secure Access Token that will pre-fill the form, including payment information, donation/registration levels, and personal information.
Donor/registrants will still need provide the correct address verification information used on the original form to confirm the transaction. Donors/Registrants will also have the option to choose a different payment method during the process.
In order to use pre-filled payment information, you must have a gateway that supports tokenization. Contact GiveGab Enterprise support or your gateway provider if you have any questions.
Enable pre-fill form payment options
Enable the pre-fill form options on the Campaign > Form > Form Details page of the form you want to receive the responses.
The questions are matched based on the question name. To avoid unnecessary blank questions, ensure the question names on the new form match the question names on the original form. Any unmatched questions will be treated as new questions.
Navigate to the form that you want to receive the pre-fill payment information and select the Form Details tab.
Scroll down to the Pre-fill Form Options section and click Edit.
In the Edit Pre-Fill Form Options window, select Yes for Payment Enabled?.
For Show Pre-filled Data?, select Yes to show the pre-filled registration fields such as name and email address but not the mailingaddress. Selecting No will hide all of the information. Both options will require address verification to complete the transaction viabilling zip code, postal code, or the method used in the original form.
In the Instructional Message text editor, enter instructional information for the donor/registrant such as To authorize useof the payment method you used on {{transactionDate}}, please enter the correct billinginformation below:.
Click Save.
Response tags for messages
Response tags are used to insert personalized information into an on-screen message or email. They are easy to use and provide a personal touch when communicating with your donors/registrants.
To use the tags, simply insert the appropriate tag into a text editor with the {{ _ }} RESPONSE TAGS AVAILABLE button belowthe field. The actual tags available will vary based on the type of message. Type the tag, including the {{curly brackets}} in the positionwhere the data should appear. When the message or screen is rendered, the tag will be replaced with personalized content such asname, amount, or any other metadata specified. With this release, we are adding new tags in addition to the ones we already supported.
To view the response tags available for a given message, click the {{ _ }} RESPONSE TAGS AVAILABLE button below the textediting field.