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How to handle failed recurring payments after a user has created a new schedule
How to handle failed recurring payments after a user has created a new schedule

Learn how to handle failed recurring payments

Katrina Grein-Topken avatar
Written by Katrina Grein-Topken
Updated over 5 years ago

After the system has failed eight times that month and nothing has been done to the donors information it wont try and charge the card the next month.

How to double check or see if a card is suspended:

1. Look up the individuals name in the search box. 

 2. Click on the individuals name associated with the correct form they donated on. 

3. You will then be brought to the individuals donation summary, scroll to the bottom and click "ongoing" under payment plan. 

 4. This will bring you to the individuals payment plan information. This will show you if this payment plan is active, the amount, the date it was created, etc. 

 5. If the status is still active, to the left you will see an icon "suspend schedule". This gives you the ability to suspend this ongoing payment indefinitely or until a certain date. 


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