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Is it possible to add logic or conditional questions to a form?
Is it possible to add logic or conditional questions to a form?

Learn how to use conditional questions!

Katrina Grein-Topken avatar
Written by Katrina Grein-Topken
Updated over a week ago

Enterprise does indeed have the capability to add conditional questions to your form. You are able to add these questions as "child questions" to multiple choice questions that you ask on your form.

To have a child question associated with a parent question, you must select either a Multiple Choice/Single Response OR a Yes/No question as the question type.

Under the form questions tab, once you have created a Multiple Choice/Single Response or a Yes/No question as the question type, you will see an icon appear with a plus sign. It is labeled as "Child".

Please see the screen shot on how to create a new child question off of a parent question:

Clicking the plus icon will allow you to create an additional question based off of what the user selects for the original question:

Once you configure and save your new child question, the next step is to designate when the child question should appear on the form.

For example, if you have a Yes/No T-Shirt Question, "Would you like to purchase a t-shirt?" If the user selects "yes," you will then have a 2nd question pop up that says "What size t-shirt?" However, we only want the child question to pop up if the users selects yes.

To designate the child question to only appear based off of a certain answer selection, click on the hyperlinked icon under the child question as shown in this screen shot:

By default, the child question will be shown for all answer selections, but you can designate it to be shown for only answer choices "Yes" by clicking the hyperlink in the above screen shot:

That is how you add conditional questions to your form. If you have any further questions surrounding that, please reach out to

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