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Suspend a Payment Schedule

Learn how to suspend a Payment Schedule in GiveGab Enterprise

Ashleigh Alldredge avatar
Written by Ashleigh Alldredge
Updated over 2 years ago

You can cancel or suspend an ongoing or installment payment plan easily from within the GiveGab Enterprise Control Panel.

1. Search for the donor, either by First Name, Last Name or Confirmation Code. 

2. Click on Donor Name in the search results. You'll be taken to the Donation Summary page. 

3. Scroll down to the Associated Payment Schedules Section. Click the value under 'ID'. This will take you to the 'Payment Schedule Details' page. 


4. Click the 'Suspend Schedule' button on the left-hand side of the screen. In the pop-up window, select, 'Yes' and press 'Suspend'. 

Voila! You've suspended this payment schedule. To be certain, the 'Suspend Schedule' button should have changed to 'Activate Schedule'.

If you have any questions, please reach out to our team at

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