If you wanted to get a report of all of the transactions that occurred on a specific date (07/20/18, for example), we recommend using the Date & Time Filters of "Date" and "is exactly." This will allow you to get the transactions on a specific date without a time restriction.
Another way to pull a full list of transactions for a specific date is to use the Filters of "Date and Time" and "is between."
One thing to note is that the time is automatically defaulted to 12:00 AM. This is the start of the day that you are searching.
If you use this filter, your end date needs to be the next day at 12:00 AM as well to get the complete list of transactions for that date. If you attempt to use the end date of 07/20/18 11:59 PM, any transaction that occurred in the 60 seconds between 11:59 PM and 12:00 AM will be missing from the report, because it is not filtered down by seconds.
If you have any questions about reporting, please reach out to enterprise-support@givegab.com.