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Form Chooser Widgets

What a form chooser widget is, examples, and configuration steps

Ashleigh Alldredge avatar
Written by Ashleigh Alldredge
Updated over a week ago

What is a form chooser widget? 

A form chooser widget is an embeddable tool that can combine multiple different forms into a tab-like structure directly in the admin panel of GiveGab Enterprise. One might use this tool when wishing to give the donor, registrant, or user,  multiple options, but require separate forms for each option. 

Example 1). Having a separate form for one-time gifts, a separate form for ongoing gifts, and then combining them into a form chooser widget.

'One-time gift' form selection:

'Recurring/Ongoing gifts' form selection:

Example 2).

Having a separate registration form for individuals and another for organizations:

Individual registration form selection:

Organization registration form selection:

Configuring the form chooser widget:

To start off you need to create at least *two* separate forms. One for the first tab and then one for the second tab. Any subsequent forms created can be used for optional subsequent tabs. 

Then in Campaign Management on Widgets tab, you need create a new Form Chooser Widget and give it a name then click save:

Once the name appears in the list of the widget, Click the linked widget name, then click "add" in the Forms Section to add the forms to the widget.

When you are adding the form, apply a name to the tab containing the form. The first form in the list will be the first tab, the second form you add will be the second tab, etc.

When you’ve completed adding the desired forms, the Forms section under the widget you created will list each form out with their label. You have the ability to reorder the forms here by clicking “Reorder.”

Then return to the main Widgets page and get the snippet for the form chooser for your site.

If you have any questions or need any assistance with this, please contact

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