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Force Schedule Charge Button
Ashleigh Alldredge avatar
Written by Ashleigh Alldredge
Updated over a week ago

Feature Overview

A new feature that has been rolled out specifically for active Payment Schedules is the "Force Schedule Charge" button.

This button will allow admins to issue a charge to an active Schedule and the new charge will be added as a part of the payment schedule's count. This is to be used only in cases where there was an error in charging the payment schedule, and you want to keep it on course.

The button is located within the Payment Schedule Details page:

When you click on the button, this prompt appears:

***IMPORTANT NOTE: When you utilize the Force Schedule Charge button you are bypassing all of our platform's tests for duplicate charges. It is your responsibility to ensure that the donors will not receive a duplicate charge through this action.

If you are certain that  you will not be issuing a duplicate charge to the donor, click the the "charge" button to issue the charge immediately.


Limiting the Feature

If you would like to limit which admin can access this feature, you can edit the admin's permissions.

Go to the main Organization Tab:

Click on the Users section:

Next to the admin you want to adjust permissions for, click the Edit/Pencil icon for the user:

Uncheck Issue Charge from the list and click Save:

This removes the "Force Schedule Charge" button for that admin user:

***Additionally, this removes the Additional Charge button for that admin user. They will no longer be allowed to issue charges.

With Issue Charge Permissions:

Without Issue Charge Permissions:

If you have any questions about this feature, please reach out to our team at

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