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Email Delivery Failures Report
Ashleigh Alldredge avatar
Written by Ashleigh Alldredge
Updated over a week ago

We have introduced a new template for Form Answers Reports called "Email Delivery Failures."

This template is particularly useful in determining the reason why a specific donor is not receiving emails from the platform (bad email address, spam filtering, etc) or to investigate a larger issues of all emails from the platform not being successfully delivered (DMARC issues, etc.).

To create a Email Delivery Failures Report, please follow the below steps.

1. On the campaign overview page, click on "New Report" in the bottom left-hand corner:

2. Select "Form Answers" as the type of report to build:

3. Select the Email Delivery Failures report template:

4. Select the campaign you would like to create the report for, and if the report is for a specific form as well, select the corresponding form. You can also add in a date filter by selecting a specific time period as well:

*If you need the report for every campaign, you can edit the report after it is created to include all campaigns. Creating the report based on one campaign will load faster than trying to create a report for all campaigns at the start.

5. After clicking "Continue," you will be taken to the Report Definition tab for the Email Delivery Failures Report, and the page will look like this:

6. Section 1 is where you will add additional campaigns and forms to the report that you would like data from, by selecting "Add Forms" on the top right corner. Here you have the option to add "all campaigns" by utilizing the dropdown:

7. This default report should contain all of the necessary data column for your team but should you need additional information, Section 2 is where you will add any additional columns to the report:

8. If you need to add additional filters or update the date filter, Section 3 is where you will do that:

9. Section 4 is where you can summarize any data; however, we have a pre-built summary already added to the report for the Email Message Type so you should not need to add any additional summaries:

10. Section 5 is where you can create a delivery schedule for the report, if you would like it sent to a specific email daily, weekly, or monthly. Click on the "Add" button to the right of "Deliver to," add the email address, and then click "Save":

11. After editing the report exactly as you'd like, you can save the report by clicking "Save Report As." This will prompt you to name the report, and then Save. You can also just download the report by clicking "Download Report":

*Note: If you have a delivery schedule set up for the report to be sent to a specific email, you must save the report in order for it to be sent out.

You can also run the report by clicking "Run Report." This will bring you the the Report Results tab, and your report will look similar to this:

If you have any questions regarding Email Delivery Failures Reports, please email 

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