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Google Sheets Template Fields
Ashleigh Alldredge avatar
Written by Ashleigh Alldredge
Updated over a week ago

We created an easy to use template that can be accessed here. There is some test data within the sheet, so you can see examples of the data that belongs in each column.

Note: The order that the prompts appear in the Google Sheet is the order they will appear on the form.

The columns are as follows:

  • type: this should always have "prompt" here, if you'd like the level to show up on the form. With our Google Sheets integration, everything that does not have "prompt" within this column is ignored when retrieving the information.

    • This means you can leave all of the descriptions and column headers on the spreadsheet for your staff to reference.

  • code: how you group together your donation/registration levels or question answer choices (ex. low, high, premium or aoi1, aoi2).

    • This will be used as the parameter value to produce results based off of the code supplied.

  • answer: how the answer will populate within reporting.

    • This can be set as either:

      • The donation/registration amount ($10.00, $5.00, etc.)

      • The donation/registration level (Other, Event 1, Event 2, etc.)

      • OR The answer choices for the question (Animal Care, Arts & Culture, Scholarships, etc.)

    • NOTE: For MCSR question answers in which you want the donor/registrant to type in their own "other" answer, you should enter in "Other" for this value.

      • Ex: Where did you hear about us?

        • Answer 1: Email

        • Answer 2: Social Media

        • Answer 3: Website

        • Other: blank text box for the donor/registrant to type in

  • available: this determines if the donation/registration level or question answer appears on the form when retrieving data from the Google Sheet.

    • The default is TRUE, but you can set it to FALSE if you don't want a specific level to populate.

  • description: the caption underneath the donation/registration level or question answer.

  • label: how the level or question answer is shown on the form.

    • NOTE: you should only enter in a label if you need to reflect something other than the dollar value.

      • Ex: "Other" on a Donation Form or MCSR Form Question Answer

      • Ex: "Event 1" on a Registration Form

      • Ex: "Arts & Culture" for Form Question Answer

  • price_fixed: this allows you to fix the price of the level or question answer. In most cases this will be TRUE, but if you want to allow a Donor Specified or "Other" donation amount it should be FALSE.

    • NOTE: "Other" or Donor Specified Amounts that do not have a fixed price will only work for Donation Forms, not Registration Forms or Form Questions.

  • currency: the ISO currency code; will typically be USD.

  • list_price_amount: the fixed price of the level or question answer.

    • This is expressed in pennies: $25.00 is 2500

    • If you have an "Other" donation level, leave this column blank.

  • minimum_price_amount: this allows you to define the donation level minimum.

    • This is expressed in pennies: $5.00 is 500

    • If you have a fixed level, leave this column blank.

  • maximum_price_amount: this allows you to define the donation level maximum.

    • This is expressed in pennies: $10,000.00 is 10000000

    • If you have a fixed level, leave this column blank.

  • invalid_after_uses: allows you to set limits on the levels; typically only used for registration forms and in some cases question answers.

    • Ex: Event 1 only has 25 spots available, you would set 25 for this column.

    • Ex: You only have 30 chicken meals for an event, you would set 30 for this column.

  • invalid_after_date: allows you to set a date limit on the levels; typically only used for registration forms.

    • Ex. Event 1 is happening on January 10th, so all registrations should be submitted by January 5th. You would set 1/5/2023 for this column.

  • answer_fixed: this prevents the individual filling out the form from entering in a different answer. This should typically be set to TRUE, even with the "Other" donation level option.

    • NOTE: The only time this would be set to FALSE is for an MCSR question answer that would allow the donor/registrant to type in a separate answer that is not one of the listed options.

      • Ex: Where did you hear about us?

        • Answer 1: Email

        • Answer 2: Social Media

        • Answer 3: Website

        • Other: blank text box for the donor/registrant to type in.

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