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All CollectionsIntegrationsDonation Categories with Google Sheets
Enabling Google Sheets for Donation Categories
Enabling Google Sheets for Donation Categories

Learn about our Google Sheets integration and how you can add your fund designations to the platform.

Ashleigh Alldredge avatar
Written by Ashleigh Alldredge
Updated over a week ago

Please review this article to understand the Google Sheet fields necessary to import Donation Categories.

Filling out the Google Sheet

  1. Create a Google Sheet with column headers of Name, Label, Parent Name, Active, and Sort Index.

    1. Any additional metadata you'd like to add for the fund designations will need to be their own columns after Sort Index.

  2. It's easier to list out your fund designations first, so add them all (including any Parents) to the Label column. Please be sure to spell check.

  3. Provide a Name (KDC Value) for each fund designation (including any Parents).

    1. KDC- followed by 7 alphanumeric characters (Ex. KDC-ART1122).

  4. If you're using Parent-Child categorization, then please input the Name (KDC value) of the Parent in the Parent Name column for their corresponding children.

    1. Ex. Parent is "Sustainability Programs" with a Name/KDC value of KDC-SUST01A and the "Community Cleanup" falls under this Parent.

      1. "Sustainability Programs" will have a blank Parent Name but "Community Cleanup" will have KDC-SUST01A for its Parent Name.

    2. Note: If you're not using Parent-Child categorization, you can skip this step.

  5. For each fund designation (including any Parents), please add the active status to the Active? column.

    1. If it needs to appear on the form for the donor to choose, then the value should be TRUE.

    2. If it needs to be hidden on the form so the donor cannot choose it, then the value should be FALSE.

  6. Provide the order in which your fund designations (including any Parents) should populate within the list by adding a numeric value (1, 2, 3...) to the Sort Index column.

    1. Note: Please refer to the "Parent-Child" tab within the Example Google Sheets for Donation Categories for Sort Index values for Parents and their Children.

  7. Provide the values for any additional metadata columns for your fund designations within the Google Sheet.

After everything is filled out, your Google Sheet is ready to use!

Generating the Google Sheets Link for Donation Categories

After configuring your Google Sheet, you need to get the URL to add to the platform.

1. Within the Google Sheet, click on the "File" button

2. Then go to the "Share" option and click on "Publish to web"

3. Select the first dropdown, which defaults to the Entire Document

4. Then select the name of the tab that contains the Donation Categories you want to use for your campaign and forms

5. Then click on the second dropdown defaulted to Web page

6. Select the Comma-separated valued (.csv) format

7. Finally, to generate the necessary link click the green "Publish" button

8. Click "OK" for the Google Drive window that pops up asking if you want to publish that section of the document

9. That should generate the URL for your Donation Categories, but also make sure that under "Publishing content & settings" you are not restricting access to the document

Enabling Google Sheets for Donation Categories in the Platform

Now that you have your link, you can add it to the platform to import your Donation Categories.

1. Within your campaign, go the the Donation Categories section

note: if you do not have "Donation Categories" available within the admin panel, please reach out to our team.

2. The second section (Donation Categories) will be blank if you did not upload any within this campaign previously. Click on the "Manage" button

3. This will open up the menu for adding the Google Sheets URL

4. Select "Yes" next to "Use Google Sheets URL," then paste the Google Sheet Link generated in the above section within the "Remote URL" box and save

5. Now all of your active fund designations present on your Google Sheet will populate within this section

6. If you're using Parent-Child categorization, you can click on one of your Parent Labels and verify the Children are also present along with any metadata supplied

7. Finally, if you're using the Multi-Give feature on your forms, you can view your form and verify that the Donation Categories are populating on the form

That is how you set up your Google Sheet for Donation Categories and import them into the platform.

If you have any questions about this process, please reach out to our team!

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