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AWS Migration FAQ
Ashleigh Alldredge avatar
Written by Ashleigh Alldredge
Updated over a week ago

The Enterprise Platform is switching hosting providers, so here are our FAQs:

Why are you switching hosting vendors?

There are a number of factors influencing this decision, but primarily its because Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides more responsive Operations support and improved PCI security options as a modern, cloud-based hosting provider. Additionally, now that GiveGab is part of the Bonterra Technology family, we prefer to be using the same resources as other products in that family to lower costs and unify support.

Why will there be an outage for the items described?

Part of this migration includes a Domain Name System (DNS) update where we will be changing the numerical IP addresses of our platform from those maintained by our current provider to IP addresses maintained by AWS. DNS allows website/application owners to move their websites/applications' physical IP addresses without changing their domain names (ex. However, when this update of numerical IP addresses is made, it takes time for all of the new numerical addresses to be updated in all the servers that have stored the old IP addresses (caching of addresses). This process may be quick for some users, and longer for others depending on what Internet provider they use.

Will I have to update embedded form and widget code snippets already installed on my website(s)?

No, as mentioned above we are not changing the domain names associated with our platform. The domain names used for the Admin panel and those source URLs in embedded form and widget snippet tags will not change. Therefore you will not be required to update any bookmarks in your web browser or currently embedded forms or widgets.

Will the migration cause the platform to change in any way?

No, there are no functionality changes included as part of this process. The migration simply moves the platform as it currently functions from one location (our current provider) to another (AWS).

How can I track the progress of the migration while it is happening?

We will be using our existing status page at to post the start, milestones and completion of the migration. If you have not already done so, please use the 'Subscribe to Updates' feature on this page to register to receive notifications on the status of the migration, as well as future automated notifications of the platform's status.

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