Step 1: Accessing Schej and Setting Up Your Event
To start scheduling with Schej, open Schej and start creating your event. Give your event a name, some days and times that might work, and then click "create" event.
Step 2: Showing your Availability
Schej lets you manually select available times or import your calendar (Google, Outlook, or Apple). This integration will automatically display your availability based on your calendar settings, making it easy to ensure accuracy and avoid conflicts.
Once your availability is visible, you can customize your availability even further manually.
If you're meeting someone in another time zone, Schej has a built-in time zone converter at the bottom of the calendar. This feature helps you see what the selected times look like for the other person, making it easier to find mutually convenient times.
Step 3: Sharing Your Event
After setting up your availability, copy the link to your event from Schej. In your chat on Switchboard, paste this link and ask the person you’re scheduling with to add their availability as well. When both of you have filled out the calendar, Schej will highlight common times.
Ready to get started?
Click the button below to start creating your first event
Step 4: Finalizing and Owning the Event
Once you and your invitee agree on a time, click to save the event. As the event creator, you’ll be the owner of the calendar invitation, allowing you to manage it easily. Schej auto-magically create the event on your calendar and send an invite to your connection on Switchboard, ensuring it’s added to each of your calendars.
Another consideration
Schej is a free, open-source project developed by a dedicated community. If you enjoy using it, consider leaving feedback for them or giving them some coffee money.