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Milestones and Off-ramps with Virtual Roles
Milestones and Off-ramps with Virtual Roles

We answer the tough questions for virtual roles, like "what if we aren't a good fit" and "how do we start working together?"

Mitchell Elequin avatar
Written by Mitchell Elequin
Updated over a week ago


Virtual roles unlock long-term connections between everyday believers and Great Commission organizations on Switchboard. We’ve outlined some milestones and off-ramps that address common challenges in volunteering by setting clear expectations and providing structured pathways for you to connect with and part ways from other users on Switchboard.

Major Milestones

Hosting an Exploratory Call

We initiate every virtual role with an exploratory call. During this call:

  • The Kingdom Consultant (KC) should get to know the Great Commission organization (GCO).

  • The GCO should learn more about the KC.

  • Both parties assess the suitability of the virtual role relative to the KC.

This step ensures that both parties are a good match for each other and the demands of the role. It also allows the volunteer to provide initial, consultative feedback.

Activating a Virtual Role for an initial trial period

If the exploratory call is successful, the parties enter a 30-day trial period. This phase is crucial for setting up a regular meeting cadence and for both parties to get started collaborating with each other.

Our recommendations:

  1. Schedule a regular day and time to connect with each other real-time, even if this is just once per month or once per week for half an hour.

  2. Create a clear communication channel so you can stay in touch asynchronously. Create a group message

Keep Collaborating

At the end of each period, we want each of you to be intentional about this relationship and make sure God’s calling you to continue working together around a given virtual role. We’ll notify you that the period is coming to an end and request you to indicate whether or not you’d like to keep working together. Click two buttons and you’ll renew the role for another month!


Flexible Withdrawal Options

It is equally important to provide clear off-ramps at each stage of the connection process so you can part ways as need be:

  • Post-Exploratory Call: Either party can back out after the exploratory call.

    • For Kingdom Consultants, we’ve made it hassle-free for you to indicate your aren’t interested in going forward with a given role.

    • For Great Commission organizations, we make it easy to relist that role so another KC can connect with you to explore that opportunity.

  • At the end of your trial period: as your trial period comes to a close (or any subsequent period of serving together), simply click two buttons two indicate that your interest in that particular role is complete.

These off-ramps ensure that volunteers and organizations can maintain sustainable, impactful relationships without overcommitting. This flexibility helps preserve the integrity and effectiveness of the volunteer experience.


We know that volunteering can be tricky. How do we work together? How do we get started working together? What if it’s not a good fit? These are tough questions. These milestones and offramps are designed by Switchboard to help you have the easiest time possible connecting with one another and serving together. Lasting relationships yield exponential impact!

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