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Stewarding information as a Kingdom Consultant

As a KC, you have a pivotal role and how you handle information can have a considerable impact on the security of our mission partners.

Mitchell Elequin avatar
Written by Mitchell Elequin
Updated over a week ago

Gratitude for Your Involvement

We want to extend our profound appreciation for your involvement in our mission to bless Great Commission work happening around the world.. Your support for Great Commission Organizations (GCOs) is invaluable, and we recognize the time, energy, and heart you put into this cause.

The Importance of Safety for GCOs

The safety of our GCOs is our foremost concern. Many of them serve in high-risk areas where they could face persecution, deportation, or worse, for their Christian faith. They are dedicated individuals bravely working in the shadows, often under aliases and behind VPNs to hide their true identities and avoid detection by hostile authorities.

Your Role as a Kingdom Consultant

As a Kingdom Consultant, you have a pivotal role. You provide essential support to these missionaries, and your conversations can offer encouragement, strength, and expertise to support them in their challenging missions. However, it's also a role of significant responsibility. The information you possess and how you handle it can have a considerable impact on the security and wellbeing of our GCO partners.

The Need for Caution in Handling Information

We kindly ask you to exercise extreme caution when managing any information related to the GCOs. Each piece of information, no matter how trivial it may seem, could have serious implications if it falls into the wrong hands. Always be aware of the potential consequences of sharing information about your GCO partner.

Respecting GCO Partners' Boundaries

If you are ever unsure of what you can disclose outside of your consultations and communications with your GCO, please ask the GCO for guidance. Our GCO partners will inform you about their specific boundaries and what information they are comfortable sharing. It's crucial to respect these boundaries, as they are set with the safety and security of our GCO partners in mind.

The Global Context of GCO Operations

In addition, it's essential to consider the environments in which our GCO partners operate. Many of them are working in countries where monitoring of internet traffic and communications is common. Sharing any information that could link their activities to Christian missionary work could have serious, potentially fatal implications.

Your Integral Role in Our Mission

While the need for caution might seem intimidating, we believe in your ability to handle this responsibility with grace and wisdom. You are an integral part of our mission, and your careful discretion will contribute significantly to its success.

Our Commitment to Supporting You

We are here to support you throughout your journey as a Kingdom Consultant. If you ever have questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to by contact our team at We value your dedication and commitment to our cause, and we are committed to ensuring your experience is rewarding and fulfilling.

Conclusion and Thanks

In conclusion, thank you for understanding the gravity of this situation. Your commitment to protecting the safety and confidentiality of our GCO partners contributes to the ongoing work of spreading the Gospel across the globe. This mission is challenging, but with careful attention to safety and discretion, we can continue to share the love of Christ in even the most difficult circumstances.

Thank you for being a crucial part of this mission.


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